2012年1月8日 星期日

New Trends in Bathroom Remodeling

Throughout the decades, the bathroom has evolved from just an ordinary shower and comfort room into an intimate and personal retreat where homeowners and the rest of the household can luxuriate anytime of the day to getaway from all the stress of their bustling lifestyles. Other than investing on enhanced everyday living, this project also affords your New York home a great boost in value even letting you recoup more than what was invested making bathroom remodeling among the most popularly undertaken projects. But before taking on the project, it pays to know new trends whether you are in Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, or Long Island.

The universal trend that is evident in new constructions and which many older homes follow is a bathroom that is both bigger and better. Though space is a luxury that some homeowners may not afford, the key to making theirs much larger than is seems is using creative design elements and maximizing every square feet that they have. When it comes to making things better the emphasis is on luxury and comfort. Technology and modern designs are consistently keeping up with the times to offer homeowners an array of products to delight the senses.

Now, here are some of the most popular new trends that you might consider for your bathroom remodeling project:

Steam is In

With the array of home-sauna products that are coming out in the market, you do not have to be a member of some expensive fitness club and burn gas each time the urge for some relaxing steam rises. The biggest thing to hit bathroom remodeling trends is steam. Whether your budget and floor plan allows for a smaller or more lavish version, there are lots of options to look into-from single steam showers to a steam-room system.

Heating Up

With new trends in bathroom remodeling, gone are the days when comfort ends inside the shower stall. With radiant electric heating, tiles or stone floors are cold no more. Stepping out would never be a thought to cringe at. With towel warmers that may simply come as a holder or built-in drawer, you'll be reaching out to such warmth and fluffiness that drying up would be just as delightful as bathing.

Vent It All Out

With all the heat and steam, it would pay big-time to invest in efficient ventilation. With one, you'll never have to wipe and the clear the mirrors every time and the wall finish will be retained much, much longer. This makes a new and better fan a practical addition to your bathroom remodeling. Consider buying one with humidity sensors that automatically turns on and shuts off as needed.

New Trends in Tubs and Showers

As space permits, more and more homeowners are taking on bathroom remodeling to have a separate tub and shower. But if both do not fit into the layout, opting for either is largely dependent on personal needs and preferences. Spa-themed bathrooms are in with tubs and showers offering more luxury features that are adjustable to your preferred settings. For showers, stalls are getting airier with some having them partially or entirely open and for that total shower experience you can have vertical water jets and double shower heads. Whether deep-soaking or whirlpools are your thing, you are in for a bathing treat to ease the body and rejuvenate the senses.

Eugene Makeev uses his skills and expertise to help home owners in Brooklyn, Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island avoid pitfalls by matching their needs with prescreened Contractors - bath remodel New York NY.

Avail of our free bathroom repair estimate.

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