2012年1月26日 星期四

Data Logger A First Step To Quality Control

There are both negative and positive connotations in regards to the term data logger. Many seem to believe a logger is a bad thing. As if people are trying to spy on you, or get to your information. In a way a logger does get to your information, but most are used for good purposes.

When you get down to it a logger is a tool. Much like typing onto a screen, it is logging your data in a way. Many high tech pieces of equipment use loggers. The output is captured in data bases for further work, but this data is quite important. Certain multi million dollar pieces of equipment can be kept running with less expense by monitoring the output of these loggers.

Most major equipment, from air conditioning systems in large buildings, to heavy equipment, to manufacturing equipment have a variety of sensor throughout the machinery. It could be as simple as monitoring the power supply for a large computer. Sensor help to read even tens of thousands of a fluctuation in power, or tolerances. With these readings, replacement parts can be ordered ahead of time, and while normal maintenance happens, the parts get installed saving time and money on a production line.

In some higher calibrated equipment humidity is a major concern. It can easily affect efficiency and wear of an item. Humidity sensors play a vital role in adjustment and life of this kind of equipment, and can signal support personnel for deeper service when certain conditions are met.

When it comes down to a special drill press for circuit boards, or any fine tuned equipment, calibration service is very important. On some circuit boards for a computer, tolerances of less than a human hair are needed to the parts that get attached are precise and work right the first time. Calibration of a drill, or a robot to place those parts is beyond important.

It is quite frustrating to get a new cell phone, or some new electronics and have issues. Quality control should catch those issues prior them happening. Specialized test equipment helps in that role. Whether it be robotic or human operated, test equipment could be a simple fixture that powers up a monitor, a phone, or other product for special testing, or even down to individual components to ensure that a switch works within tolerances.

A data capture scheme can be a simple software or hardware device. This is where it can become negative also. Some loggers are never seen, you simply have no idea that information is being captured at all. Your company can use these, especially with sensitive info, or top secret clearances. It is rare to see some of this as the costs to monitor, and put the data to use is not a simple thing to do.

Overall these devices and programs are very important for the manufacturing world. The negative spying connotations aside, we use them every day. Even your voice mail is a logger of sorts, and we even delve deeper into the info to bring out meaning. The same thing happens in all types of equipment, even your car. That car's computer is a data logger, and helps keep everything running smooth.

Welcome to Canada's source for Calibration Service. With 30 years of experience providing technical solutions, we are the test equipment leaders.

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