2012年6月27日 星期三

4 Things to Consider When Setting Up a Reptile Vivaruim

A reptile vivarium is used to simulate a ecosystem for the relevant species that is going to be contained within. Many things need to be taken into consideration to make this happen.


Depending on the reptile you must determine the UVB Level

Leopard Geckos, Snakes, Amphibians and Arachnids do not need do not need a UVB they do need a day and night cycle and can have a uvb level of 2%,Forest dwelling reptiles need 5%,Desert reptiles 10% lighting needs to be within 10 inches of the animal and bulbs should be changed every 6-8 months.


To achieve the correct temperature a heat source (bulb/matt) is needed at one end of the vivarium. The heat source should not come into direct contact with the reptile. A thermostat is required to regulate the temperature. Make sure the thermostat sensor probe is not covered by anything as this could cause the enclosure to overheat


Some reptiles need the humidity to be tightly regulated. This can be done by regular water, pulverization, water evaporation inside or automated pulverization systems and humidifiers.

Ventilation and openings

Access is required to the vivarium for the purpose and cleaning maintaining the environment and to be able to feed the reptile. Front access is preferable as many species will feel threatened if the environment is accessed from above as this is how prey would hunt them in the wild.

As the environment will be hot and humid it is a breeding ground for mould and harmful bacteria. This is usually combated via a low level suction fan and high level exhaust fan.

Aquapet are an importer and distributor of a full range of Reptile and Aquatic Vivariums - visit their site for details of the prices.

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Different Types of Basement Dehumidifiers

Basement dehumidifiers are an excellent way to reduce the humidity levels in your home caused by moisture in the air. High humidity can cause serious damage to your home in several different ways. For one thing, it can cause mold and mildew to grow on walls, baseboards, under carpets and many other areas of the home. This creates poor air quality that can cause respiratory diseases or make existing ones worse.

If your basement smells musky or you see signs of mold and mildew, then it's recommended you purchase a dehumidifier for your home. There are many different types and sizes available to choose from making it possible to find the one that is best suited for your needs. Here, you'll find information about the most well-known types of basement dehumidifiers so you can have a general idea of what options are available to you.

Whole basement dehumidifiers are designed for large areas to ensure coverage for the entire space of the basement. The storage unit on these can hold more water but the system will still shut down if the tank is not emptied regularly. However, since it's a large unit, the storage tank can usually hold a lot water before the unit will shut off automatically. Portable dehumidifiers are small and easy to use. This makes them great for small basements and even other parts of your home where moisture can be a problem such as bathrooms and closets. However, since these units are small, the tray that holds the water will be small as well and it'll be necessary to keep a close check on it to make sure it's emptied regularly.

Dehumidifying ventilators are designed for basements, crawlspaces and attics because they use a sensor to keep the humidity in the area at a specific preset level. Wall mounted dehumidifiers can be used in these same areas as well and they do an excellent job keeping the humidity down. These are just a few of your options and there are many different sizes to choose from too. You can use the Internet to search basement dehumidifiers to get a more detailed list of the different ones available. This will also help you determine the type and size that would be best suited for your individual needs.

Many basement dehumidifiers can be set up where they will drain into a sink so you don't have to worry about emptying the water tray. If you don't go into your basement on a regularly basis, this might be the best option for you. Just remember to check on it from time to time to make sure everything is still in order.

The price for dehumidifiers for home basement use does vary a great deal. You can read reviews on the different types of dehumidifiers to see what other homeowners have the say about the unit they used and if they felt like it was worth the price they paid for it or not. In most cases, basement dehumidifiers save so much money in home remodeling projects and doctor bills that they more than paid for themselves in the long run regardless of the price.

Read more about basement dehumidifiers. Visit Basement Damp Proofing.

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2012年6月26日 星期二

How to Choose the Right Home Weather Station

A home weather station can bring you many years of enjoyment but it can also do much more. It can teach you many things about your local climate and the way weather operates. You can learn such things as what to expect when a cold front moves in or what conditions are present just before a storm. The lessons you learn can help you plan your outdoor activities such as gardening or entertaining or they can help you plan for your outdoor work activities.

You can actually build your own weather station with just a few simple instructions. You will need to purchase a thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, anemometer, rain gauge, and some type of housing to hold the instruments. Once you have these items you will then want to start your weather station assembly.

You need to decide if you want a station that is digital all in one or if you prefer to purchase each thing separately. While there are definitely advantages to both purchasing each unit separately will provide you with the most accurate readings. When you select a thermometer you need to find one that has a memory that records the minimum and the maximum temperature readings. This will allow you to keep up with your high and low readings each day. You will also want a thermometer that will allow you to put the sensor away from your house or any other structures since this will give you the most accurate readings.

When you purchase a barometer you need to make sure it includes a movable bar. This will allow you to set the bar to the current barometric pressure. You can keep track of when the pressure is rising, falling, or remaining steady. This is an absolute must if you want to forecast future weather conditions.

A hygrometer is an instrument that measures humidity. This is important since it can determine how the temperature feels. High humidity may make the air feel hotter than it actually is while low humidity can help you breath better. This is an important reading for anybody with breathing problems.

An anemometer measures wind and wind velocity. You can also measure the speed of the wind and the direction from which the wind is blowing. Often a digital readout is best for this type reading.

A rain gauge does the obvious; it measures the amount of rainfall. You can find different styles that will also adjust for different types of moisture such as snowfall.

Your final step for your home weather station is to purchase the housing that will hold your instruments. You will need to make sure the housing protects your instruments from the elements such as high winds, hail, and rain. If you do not have a weather supply store near you it is possible to build your own housing. Once you have your housing ready you will then be ready to assemble your home weather station and start enjoying the benefits of always knowing what type of weather you have on the way.

Kelly Hunter owns and operates http://www.home-weather-station.org and writes about Home Weather Station issues.

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How To Buy A Bathroom Fan

Your bathroom is often one of the wettest areas of your home. This may sound natural, but wetness is actually not the only issue. Remember, where there is wetness, there is moisture and where there is moisture, there are bacteria that thrive and cause health hazards. That's aside from offensive odors and humid air that you just may have problems with, until you start using a bathroom fan.

A bathroom fan is a must have for any home. It does not only get rid of the wetness and unpleasant air in the bathroom, but it also keeps it healthy for use. There are various types of bathroom fans available in the market today, and just before you take your pick, first consider a few things.

One is the size of the fan you need. A basic rule for determining this is to take the size of your bathroom in cubic feet, multiply it by eight and divide it by sixty. That's the number of cubic feet of moisture your fan needs to suck dry per minute. Also decide on a fan based on how much noise might be tolerable to you. There are models advertised as quiet bathroom fans and these come with an external motor that can be installed in the attic.

Another thing you can consider when choosing a fan that is right for you is controls. There are some equipped with sensors that automatically turn on the motor when a person enters the bathroom, and there are others have to be manually operated. Automatic bathroom fans also come with a timer that signals when the fan should stop after a certain number of minutes after the sensor detects the person has left. Automatic fans naturally cost more because they are equipped with special sensors that allow them to work without manual operation. If you have extra room in your budget, there is no reason why you should not get one of these. Otherwise, a manually operated fan will still serve you well.

When choosing a fan, you should also look into the mount type that you prefer and the location where you would like the fan to be installed. These are things you can discuss with the salesperson who is supposed to know exactly what is suitable for you. Of course, you also have to give a description of the fan's position in your bathroom, as well as how you want it mounted. A fan that has an external motor installed in the attic, for example, can run with minimal noise than one with the motor attached to it.

These days, we can all use an opportunity to save on our electric bills, so it's also good to choose a bathroom fan that is energy efficient. Look for tags that indicate how much electricity the fans consume over a period of time and check whether or not this is reasonable. If you are not familiar with these things, you can ask a friend, relative or colleague who is. You can also talk to a salesperson or chat with online sales attendant about brands or models that are equipped with energy-saving mechanisms. With an energy efficient bathroom fan, you can set aside more of your income to add to your savings or plan a once-a year family vacation. Besides that, an energy-efficient fan can also help save the world.

Bathroom fans help keep your home a healthy place for the whole family. Check out bathroom fans with light and other special features at HomeProductsInc.com so you can choose the right one for your needs today.

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Dew Point Meters

Dew Point Meters are special devices designed to measure temperature to deterring the dew point, it is the name given to a certain temperature. A constant biometric pressure of air must be cooled for water vapour to condense, the condensed water vapour turns into water; this whole process takes place when the dew point is met. It is a saturation point, but when the point falls below freezing it changes to what is known as the frost point, this is because the water vapour stops turning into water but changes in to hoarfrost or frost by deposition.

The meters are used to determine when this 'certain point' is met; it uses sensors to detect changes in temperature and humidity. Relative humidity is associated with the dew point and the closer to the current air temperature it is a high relative humidity would be indicated.

The measurement of this point is most commonly required during in field application of paint systems and in fact the meter used to measure it becomes the most critical analysis device. Another name given to this meter is the Dewpoint Gauge and was invented by TQC, this model was designed specifically for the coating industry and is the most used measuring device in that industry. This device also falls under another name that is more likely to be used in shops, if you are looking for this device but can not find it try asking for a 'Dewcheck'. There are a lot of suppliers available you just need to look around.

If you are in need of this service check out our product pages, they contain many companies that specialise in this. Wesley Clarke writes about Dew Point Meters. Visit the Businessmagnet product page for details and suppliers of Dew Point Meters.

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Furnace Humidifiers - Warm Moist Air for the Entire House

When the entire house feels like the desert has taken over and moved in, the Furnace Humidifiers can help turn the house back to the paradise that it was before the whole desert moved in and took over. Adding this device to the furnace can put the moisture back into the home and make it feel more like a paradise than a desert, but without it getting so humid that it turns into a jungle. There are several manufacturers that make this type of humidifier, and there are several models that consumers can have installed in their home. These are relatively maintenance-free and still utilize the existing ductwork that runs throughout the house conditioning the air in the house. By adding these humidifiers, the air is moisturized and the occupants are more comfortable, plus an added benefit that further damage to the structure is stopped.

Top Series

There are a variety of Furnace Humidifiers that can be directly attached to the furnace and offers several advantages over other portable models. One of the most obvious benefits is that only one is needed to cover the entire home and a second advantage that they can be directly integrated into the existing heating system. Some of the top models for this type of humidifier include:

- Honeywell Model HE225D is a Flow-thru type that is easily installed and integrated to existing furnaces and is a fully automatic system. It can be attached to the supply for the warm air or the return for the cold air of any forced air furnace. This model has an outdoor sensor that determines the temperature outside and it can control the inside humidity levels automatically. It has the ability to disperse up to 12 gallons of moisture each day. It also has a "HealthShield" panel that prohibits growth of bacteria, mold, algae, and fungus.

- Another model that can be attached to the furnace is the Air King AK5500 Humidifier. This is also a Flow-thru model that can disperse up to 12 gallons of moisture on a daily basis. This model cycles automatically with the furnace and it is capable of providing humidity to a home up to 3200 square feet. This is also a very highly rated model.

How it Works

The Furnace Humidifiers work a little different than the standard humidifiers that are available as portable units, In these units, the humidifier is situated between the duct that returns the warmed air into the house, and the return for the cold air that is pulled into the furnace. Part of this warm air is forced into the humidifier where it gathers the water molecules that are returned to the cold air component that is delivered back to the furnace where it is heated again. This heating process turns the water to vapor where it is absorbed by the hot air and distributed. The styles that are attached to the furnace include both Drum and Flow-thru humidifiers.

Convenience and Comfort

For the convenience of adding Furnace Humidifiers to the home to provide the comfort throughout the house, these models are the most economical and handy. In addition to stabilizing the humidity in the home, they are convenient to install because they attache directly to the existing furnace, and they utilize existing ductwork. This is a great solution to restoring comfort to the home.

Copyright 2011 Dehumidifier-advisor.com, all rights reserved.

Manon is the editor Dehumidifier-advisor.com which Provides you with news, tips, articles and reviews on (de)humidifiers. For more info about Furnace Humidifier or Dehumidifier reviews please check our website.

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2012年6月25日 星期一

Glucose Monitors - Managing and Controlling Diabetes

Glucose monitors play very important roles in controlling diabetes. Health professionals are one in underscoring the benefits of blood glucose monitoring for managing diabetes and good health in general. Continuous monitoring helps diabetics avoid serious complications. Before, urine testing was done to check for glucose levels. Today, it is no longer recommended and is no longer reliable. Blood glucose monitors or meters are better at the job. Yet still, urine testing remains a primary tool today in diabetes care as it used in the detection of ketones.

Glucose monitors checks the concentration of glucose in the blood, called glycemia. Blood is tested for glycemia content by these monitors. The skin is pierced by a lancet, normally at the finger tips, to take a small amount of blood as sample. This is then placed on a disposable strip which would later change in color or electrical property depending on the type and result of the test. The visual strip type changes in color as blood reacts with chemicals on the test strip. The resulting change in color varies according to glucose concentration. The electrical device type is measured with an electronic meter. Within a few seconds, the digital meter displays the glucose level. It takes from 5 to 60 seconds to read results, varying from model to model. Alternative sites have been suggested for drawing blood samples but they normally do not compare with the finger tips in reflecting rapidly changing levels of glucose.

Glucose monitors are essential in home blood glucose monitoring (HBGM). Several models have come out in the last thirty years. The first units appeared in the 1970s. They were huge and bulky by today's standards. The first devices used the same visual colorimetric system that is still in use in urine test strips. These would require 30 micro liters (µl) of blood samples, referred to as hanging drop, which are quite large compared to only 0.3 to 10 micro liters for today's units. The sizes of the newer monitors are about the size of the palm of an adult's hand. Some models are even smaller while a few are a little larger. Instead of disposable strips, some models have discs that can be reused.

More and newer monitors now have the capability for data transfer. Readings may be downloaded onto a computer that has corresponding diabetes monitoring software through cables or infrared. Some can even be linked to insulin injection devices and PDAs. All monitors feature clocks and memory to store past results. These functions help a person with diabetes to better manage, keep a record, and watch for patterns and developments.

The accuracy of glucose monitors are at about ±10 to 15%. But more factors should be considered regarding these numbers. Elements that may influence accurate readings include the temperature in the immediate surrounding area, humidity, the person's intake of drugs that will be present in the blood, dirt on the meter, calibration of the monitor or meter, percentage of red blood cells in the blood sample, the strips to be used are either new or already old, and the quality and amount of the blood sample. These factors may compromise an accurate measurement. A good way to check and test for accurateness of the monitors is for the user to check for himself the glucose levels at about the same time that a blood sample has been drawn when visiting a doctor and then make comparisons.

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems make use of a small sensor that is inserted under the skin. They measure levels of glucose in tissue fluid. The individual must wear the sensor in the same place for up to a week. Then it should be replaced. The sensor, after measuring glucose levels, transmits this information to a wireless monitor that may be carried around or worn. However, CGM models are not as accurate and reliable as standard units. They are also much more expensive. In exchange for the higher cost is the ability of the individual for a closer and better glucose monitoring and control. CGM devices can take real-time readings at every 5- or even 1-minute intervals. These come with alarm functions that can warn the diabetic of a too low or too high glucose levels. They also have data transfer capabilities for closer tracking and analysis similar to conventional monitors.

Looking for the best products and lowest prices on Glucose Monitors? We compare the best products and show you the lowest prices online at the Heart Rate Monitor Center

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Combating Poor Air Quality

Poor air quality can have numerous impacts on the health and comfort of your family. The levels of humidity as well as the temperature should be controlled in your home. The air that you breathe in needs to be free of smoke, harmful chemicals, mold spores and other irritants. Poor air quality can often cause many symptoms, cold and flu like, such as a sore throat, stuffy nose, headaches, burning eyes and sleepiness. Many people who have respiratory diseases or asthma may find that they suffer more than others.

One of the most dangerous issues that homeowners face is carbon monoxide. This is usually due to faulty home heating systems and this causes roughly two hundred deaths a year in the US. This can also come from using a portable generator in a way not indicated in the manual. If you cannot vent the exhaust properly, you should not be using it. CO2 emissions come into the home a variety of ways, and generally this is not harmful until a device is malfunctioning, is used improperly, or not working the way that it should.

There are many things you can do to prevent carbon monoxide from becoming problematic in your home.

• Never allow smoking in the home

• Be sure to have working and up to date carbon monoxide detectors, usually located near the bedrooms. There are three types: Electrolytic Sensor Detectors - These are very sensitive to CO, and is generally the most efficient, though can be pricey. Colorimetric Sensor Detectors - These measure the CO in the air over time and usually take 48 hours to reset. MOS Detectors (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensor) - This type of detector detects a number of different gases, not just CO. Another type is a combination fire/CO detector, and these work well for detecting not only gases, but work as smoke alarms, as well.

• Make sure that all of your gas appliances have been inspected, as well as your chimney, at least once a year. During the winter months, replace furnace filters every month and make sure that the furnace, gas dryers, and water heaters all vent to the outside of the home.

• Make sure that fireplaces and wood stoves are also properly vented to the outside of the home, and only burn clean wood that has not been treated.

• Do not allow your car or any other gas engine idle in the garage.

• Never, ever use a charcoal grill inside or in any enclosed spaces.

Do you require an unbiased Atlanta Air Quality Testing company near Atlanta? Call SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection today! When you have questions, air quality testing for mold is a good place to start in your search for answers to many questions you may have regarding a potential mold problem. Georgia's preferred mold testing and mold inspection company.

SafeAir Certified Mold Inspection
789 Hammond Dr.
#1406, Atlanta, GA 30328
(404) 695-0673

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Energy Efficient Ventilation in Your Home

Fresh air and adequate ventilation serve more than just the physical comfort of occupants. While a healthy supply of fresh air is important proper airflow also provides condensation control, removal of airborne pollutants and ensures the safe use of potentially combustible appliances.

Insulation, heating systems and overall ventilation installations need to be considered in a group context for the most energy efficient results. Generally speaking the aim of a good ventilation installation is to maximise energy efficiency without reducing indoor air quality.

Visually the most significant disadvantage of bad ventilation is mould damage associated with high relative humidity. Kitchen and bathroom activities utilise a lot of water in particular and the supply industry has responded by producing wide ranges of domestic fans for bathroom and kitchen installations.

Environmentally-conscious home owners will be aware of the new best practise building standards available for energy efficient dwellings. Insulation or 'airtight' architecture is often used - with success - to reduce the heating energy expenditure. This 'airtightness' also contributes to more rapid build-up of internal pollutant sources such as gases, cleaning agent fumes, Allergens such as house dust mites and chemical by-products from home ware and furniture. Unless great insulation is coupled with effective ventilation negative health effects will be felt over time.

Natural airflow can easily be augmented and controlled by installation simple ventilation mechanism in the home. There is a three-point action plan to reach great home air quality goals:

One: Extractor fans installed in key areas such as kitchens, laundries and bathrooms allow for controlled air expulsion in heavy activity rooms.

Two: Whole building ventilation and air condition allows automated regulation air quality throughout the building usually via roof or floor ducting installations. Apart from timers whole building systems can also be installed to utilise sensors to determine appropriate operation times. For example an occupancy or motion sensor will allow a sensor to tailor its usage to times when the house is actually occupied and reduce the overall energy costs of ventilating.

Three: Lastly any area which is temporarily used for activities that increase pollutants (e.g.: painting or fumigating) should be physically aired by opening a window.

Ducting in existing homes will need to be installed with the minimum bends and kinks for more efficient energy flow. Another recent development to consider would be heat recovery units. These units recover heat from air being released outside to warm up incoming fresh air.

Choosing a contractor to install your energy efficient home ventilation system:

Apart from choosing an individual with a background in BER (Building Energy Rated) construction it is also a good idea to find out what their relationship with the supplier is. You want to ensure that future ventilation upgrades and repairs will not be negatively impacted by a relationship with a poor supplier. Home-owners also need to be aware that most legal requirements allow contractors to "trade off" the characteristics of units with different functions. Installing a system using only the minimum performance statistics for all units will not usually add up to a fully compliant home build.

Ventac manufactures and supplies industrial and home ventilation solutions in Ireland and abroad. http://www.ventac.com

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2012年6月24日 星期日

Meteorological Station

A Meteorological Station or weather station as it is also known, is a place where data is gathered to monitor weather conditions. This facility could be on land or at sea, measuring the atmospheric conditions to study climate and weather.

Typical measurements that would be taken include wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, barometric pressure, humidity and temperature. When measuring temperature and humidity, the observation is kept away from direct sunlight. When measuring, the instruments will bear the full force of the wind to gain readings.


Observing the weather will be done automatically and manually, automatically probably every hour, and manual observations once a day. For measuring data out at sea, ships and buoys will be used. but they will typically measure wave height, sea temperatures and much more.


A weather station will use most of these instruments to measure there data.

Rain gauge: This will measure liquid precipitation over a period of time.
Hygrometer: This instrument is used for measuring humidity
Anemometer: Wind speed is calculated with this device.
Barometer: For measuring atmospheric pressure.
Thermometer: This measures land ans sea temperature.

You also may have a smaller version of a station that is set up at an airport, to monitor things such as,

Ceiling projector: This measures the cloud ceiling
Disdrometer: Measuring drop size distribution
Transmissometer: This checks visibility
A sensor for present conditions for rain fall

You also have advanced or professional weather stations that use the same instruments above, but might also include, solar radiation sensors, snow gauge, leaf wetness sensors, soil temperature sensor, and ultra violet light sensors. Another instrument they might use is a probe that measures evapotranspiration which is very useful for the agricultural industry.


Meteorological stations can be set up two ways, either wireless or wired. They both have advantages, and disadvantages, so its important to do your homework if you are thinking about buying one.


Apart from the rain gauge and the anemometer (these two instruments need to be out in the elements) the rest should be enclosed in what is called a Stevenson Screen, which it a type of vented box. This is to stop direct sunlight and wind to affect the instruments


If you have an interest in the weather for personal information it is possible now to have your own personal weather station. there is hundreds of products out there today on the market, for every ones specific needs.

You can now have all the data connected to your home PC, or laptop, this is how advanced these systems are now, and collecting data can be sent to different groups, or organisations through the internet. Another source of transmitting data to fellow meteorologists is by way of cb radio.

Because weather is part of our daily routine, it is not surprising that major weather stations have been setup in a network all over the world. These networks will monitor pressure systems and weather fronts. You can find and read about all the different networks around the world.

To find out more about Meteorological Stations and weather instruments please take a look at my blog,

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All You Need to Know About LED Grow Lights

LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. These diodes are small in size and used in multiple numbers to emit light. They are used for multiple purposes like lighting of lamps, bulbs, digital watches, remote controls, electronic appliances, growing plants and flowers, and so on. The small size of these bulbs enables them to fit easily into an electronic circuit. They have a long life and are highly efficient sources of light. They are ideal for personal and commercial needs. In homes, these lights can be used for growing plants. The LED plant lights will accelerate the growth of plants inside the house. In areas where there is lack of sunlight, these lights can be a boon for growing indoor plants, since they assist in the process of photosynthesis. They have a wide application and can be used for automotive lighting, bicycle lighting, billboard lighting, display lighting, domestic purposes, flash light, railway signals, LED night lights, Christmas lights, strip lights, tail lights, decorative lighting, car lights, stage lighting, traffic lights, train lights, etc. The multi-utilitarian quality of these lights has made them global. Not to mention the other advantages like preserving the environment and saving money. Here are some of the advantages of LED grow lights.

Advantages Of LED

• Efficiency - LED emits PAR light, i.e., photo synthetically active radiation, which offers greater efficiency and better results. When these lights are used for growing plants, they accelerate the growth because the wavelength of light that is emitted through them is exactly what the plants need. Plants have a specific requirement of wavelengths for conducting the process of photosynthesis. The traditional white light bulbs will not provide such wavelengths and thus hamper the growth. Not just that, the incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps will interfere with the growth of plants. Incandescent lamps produce more than 80% heat when lighted and thus emit heat instead of light. This kind of heat can be harmful for the plants. LED flowering grow lights will produce light in the right frequency and wavelength. Moreover, the spectrum of red and blue light can be balanced for optimal results.

• Energy Conservation - These lights can help you save more than 75 % energy. This quality also helps in reducing the damage caused to the mother earth. If a light uses less power, it indirectly helps in saving the environment. The running cost of these lights is less than half of HID or other types of lighting systems. They use approximately 100 watts of power. Moreover, they have a long life and work up to 50 times longer than the traditional white light and lamps. The lifespan is as long as seven years. They can drastically reduce your energy consumption and help save our natural resources. Indeed, indoor LED grow lights are excellent for domestic purposes.

• Less Heat - Since these lights produce less heat, they will not scorch your tender plants and flowers. They are warm to touch and produce very little heat, and thus enable you to grow different types of flowers and plants under one roof. These lights are good for plants that have high humidity requirement. Moreover, since it produces less heat, the plants will not require frequent watering. Another advantage of this light is that it will not warm up the room. This means that you can save energy that will be used by cooling systems for reducing the room temperature. These LED-planting grow lights operate just a few degrees above the room temperature.

• Zero Noise - These lights do not produce any sounds and are absolutely noise free. Unlike the buzzing sound made by a fluorescent bulb, these LED lights are calm and quiet. They do not make any disturbing or annoying sounds.

• Cycling And On/Off Action - The possibility of burn out is very less as compared to fluorescent lamps or HID lamps. The frequent on and off action, which is known as cycling can shorten the lifespan of a fluorescent or HID lamp. The latter may take a longer time to restart. However, LED vegetable grow lights are ideal for objects and applications that require frequent on and off. Moreover, these lights will light up very quickly within microseconds.

• No External Damage And Deterioration - These lights are shock resistant and will not burn out abruptly. One of the features of this light is 'slow failure'. The light will fail by dimming over a period of time, and it will not get burned out suddenly. Moreover, it is not fragile like a fluorescent or HID lamp since it is of solid-state components. They are not subject to external damage and this is another reason for its long life. LED growing lights do not contain any toxic material like mercury, which is commonly used in fluorescent lamps.

• Multi-Utilitarian Quality - The low energy consumption, low maintenance cost, and small size of LED lights have made them a multi-utilitarian product. It has wide applications and is broadly used for visual signal application, illumination, indicators and signs, and non-visual applications like remote controls. It is sometimes used in sensor systems and is used as movement sensor. An example of movement sensor is the optical mouse used in computers. The wireless mouse works on the signal or radiation received through these LED grow lights. Not just that, it is also used as a light source for machine vision systems.

• Wide Variety - There are different types of diodes like Flashing LEDs, Bi-color LEDs, Tri-color LEDs, RGB LEDs, Alphanumeric LED, and much more. Each of them has different features and characteristics.

There are several advantages of these lights, and it is important to be careful while buying them. The market is flooded with poor quality products, which may not have the above-mentioned advantages. We recommend that you should be wary while buying these lights. Look for products that come with warranty. Though the initial cost of buying LED grow light may be high, it should be considered as an investment. In the long run, this light will have several benefits and advantages. Not to mention, the savings of natural resources and your personal resources.

Facts About LEDs

Here is some good to know information about LEDs. Read some facts to know more about the light emitting diodes.

- Plant Growth Results - LEDs enable you to grow several plants, flowers, and vegetables inside your house. Some of them would include tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, roses, parsley, basil, cilantro, thyme, rosemary, orchids, African violets, etc. It allows to grow plants effectively and affordably, since indoor LED grow lights offer value for money. It also gives the option to choose the red and blue light according to the requirement. For instance, blue light may be used to produce studier seedlings and will help in controlling sprawling, trailing, or aggressive plants.

- Excellent For Multi-Tier Gardening - Since these lights are light in weight and small in size, they can be used for multi-tier gardening. Moreover, they are capable of delivering targeted high intensity light, hence will suit a multi-tier gardening system, which is usually built in a confined space.

- Increase In Plant Growth Rate - Whether you use indoor or outdoor LED grow lights, the growth rate of the plants will increase drastically. This is possible because the photosynthesis process of plants takes place round the clock. Unlike sunlight, which is available for few hours in a day, these lights can be turned on throughout the day. This will increase the growth rate without stressing the plant. The light can be turned on for 24 hours, and it will not damage the plant. In fact, it will accelerate its growth.

- Red LED Light - The red and blue lights of LED will play an important role. These lights can be balanced for achieving optimum results while growing plants. Let us look at the functions and features of red light. It helps the plant in the process of photosynthesis and when you increase the doses, it further stimulates growth. You can expect quick flowering, seeding, and fruits. Plants will first absorb red light for the purpose of photosynthesis. However, a combination of both red and blue light would be required for the full growth of a fruit or flower bearing plant.

- Blue LED Light - LED grow lights with blue color are useful for vegetable growth. After absorbing red light, the plant will absorb blue light and this light is responsible for the health of a plant. Moreover, the blue green lights have more sunlight energy that is required for the healthy growth of vegetables.

- Colors And Wavelength - Red and blue are not the only colors that an LED will produce. There is a wide spectrum of colors with different wavelengths. For instance, there is infrared with a wavelength of more than 760 nm. Apart from red and blue colors, there is orange, yellow, green, violet, purple, ultraviolet, and white light that is produced by these LED growing lights. Each of these colors has different ranges of wavelength that can be adjusted or balanced for best results.

Indeed, these lights have a lot of practical applicability and serve as an easy alternative for growing plants without sunlight. It can also be used for large-scale cultivation of plants, crops, flowers, and fruits. In fact, there is an ongoing development and the latest development in LED lights is Organic LEDs, Quantum dot LEDs, Phosphor based LEDs, miniature LEDs, high power LEDs, SuperFlux/Piranha LEDs, and so on. The options are many and are designed to meet different needs.


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Introduction to Gas Measuring With Draeger Gas Detection Instruments

Gas measurement serves as a technical aid and an assessment of the concentration is only possible with a gas measurement device. To determine the hazard potential of a gas it is necessary to measure its concentration and to consider the duration of exposure and other parameters such as the type of work being performed.

Natural, ambient air is chemically a gas mixture that consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen 0.03% carbon dioxide as well as argon, helium and other rare gases in trace centrations. In addition there is water vapor, e. g. humidity. If the concentrations of the components change, or a foreign gas is added, we no longer have natural air. When these changes occur, the potential for adverse health effects exist.

The spectrum of other so-called air components can be extremely broad. It can range from the pleasant fragrance of a good perfume to the over powering stench of hydrogen sulfide. Likewise, the hazard of each "air pollutant" varies considerably. The type of substance,its concentration and duration of occurrence, as well as probable synergistic effects with certain gas compounds must all be considered. In addition, there are many air pollutants which cannot be perceived by human senses because they are colorless and odorless (e. g. carbon monoxide).

If the composition of the natural air changes in any way, it should be tested, to determine the substance which caused this change. Even substances with distinctive odors cannot be reliably assessed with the aid of the olfactory nerve in the nose. The olfactory nerve can become desensitized after a certain period of time or repeated exposure, making it impossible to smell even immediately dangerous concentrations. After a few hours we do not even perceive the pleasant fragrance of our own perfume and high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide escape from the sense of smell even after a very short while.

Subjectively, one persons sense of smell may be more sensitive to certain air pollutants than others. In many cases substances are noticed in very low concentrations which, even after a long-term exposure do not necessarily cause adverse health effects. In general the sense of smell is sufficient in determining the presence of air pollutants, but the need exists for an objective gas analysis method. Gas measurement serves as a technical aid and an assessment of the concentration is only possible with a gas measurement device. To determine the hazard potential of a gas it is necessary to measure its concentration and to consider the duration of exposure and other parameters such as the type of work being performed.

An important prerequisite to determining the potential of any gaseous air pollutants is the determination of the concentration with a suitable gas measurement device. The kind of device to be used depends on which gases have to be measured and how often. Much to the dismay of both the user and the manufacturer, there is no universal instrument which measures all gases or vapors. The variety of substances is too wide for a single technique to measure all possible air pollutants. The more chemically complex a substance is, the more complex the gas measurement technique.

It may be that more than one measurement device or measurement method may be employed, each based on different operational principles. The instrumentation industry offers various devices for this purpose which can be used, individually or in combination on the measurement task:

- flame ionization detectors

- photo ionization detectors

- gas chromatographs

- infrared spectrometers

- UV-VIS photometers

- warning devices for explosion hazards

- Draeger-Tubes

- Draeger Chip-Measurement-System

- laboratory analysis in conjunction with sampling tubes or gas wash bottles (impinger)

- mass spectrometers

- substance selective instruments with e. g. electrochemical sensors

The choice of which monitor or measurement method to use depends upon the objective.

The user must evaluate the situation and determine which substances to measure, how often, etc. Each of the above mentioned devices and methods have advantages and limitations. There is no universal monitor for all possible scenarios. For the selection of a suitable measuring device and to support the user in solving measurement problems, Draeger Safety AG & Co. KGaA offers competent know-how and technical assistance. The customer / employer should carefully train the user / employee on the use of their measurement device. Any use of the measurement device without receiving prior comprehensive training can be permitted by the customer / employer to the user / employees, at the customer / employees own risk.

Photo and flame ionization detectors are distinguished by short response periods but they do not offer substance selectivity. Gas chromatographs, infrared and UV-VIS photometers are very versatile but on the other hand they are comparatively expensive and require a specialist to calibrate the devices and interpret the readings correctly. Warning devices for explosion hazards like the Drager X-am 5000 are equipped with catalytical sensors to determine explosion levels of combustible gases and vapors. They are not designed to measure lower concentrations and thus are not suitable for this task.

Draeger-Tubes with direct reading colorimetric indication have many applications. Approximately 500 different substances can be measured with Drager-Tubes. Limited selectivity and the fact that Drager-Tubes are usually capable of only being used a once may present a disadvantage. If repeated measurements of the same substance are to be performed daily, a measurement device like the Draeger Pac 7000 CO with its electrochemical sensor for the measurement of carbon monoxide is more economic than Draeger-Tubes.

When complex mixtures (e. g. solvent mixtures), are present, usually only a laboratory analysis will suffice. The prerequisite is that the contaminated air is trapped in a sorbent sampling tube like silica gel or activated charcoal.

After collecting the sample, analysis is performed in the laboratory with gas chromatographic methods, or sometimes by the combination of gas chromatography / mass spectroscopy. Laboratory procedures of this kind offer particularly high selectivity, but the analysis devices are very expensive, requiring high maintenance costs and operation by specialists.

Regardless of the gas measurement device or what analysis procedure is used, it is essential that the contaminant of interest be identifiable and measurable. Apart from a few exceptions in process monitoring, it is very unlikely that concentrations of other substances can be determined by subtracting the concentration of the gas which can be identified. For example, if the oxygen concentration is below the 17 or 19.5 Vol. % limit, it cannot be said which substance has displaced the oxygen without further investigation. In the case of very high carbon dioxide concentrations there is the danger of suffocation; likewise if there is a leak in a gas pipeline the presence of methane poses an explosion hazard. Other contaminants present in the ppm range would not influence the oxygen measurement enough to alert anyone to a potential hazard. Since many of the occupational exposure limits are in the range of 1 ppm, the measurement by difference technique is typically inadequate.

Before each measurement an assessment of the situation should be made as to what contaminants are in question, at what locations, at what times, and so forth, according to established safety procedures. Monitoring according to established safety guidelines will help ensure safety in the workplace and effective use of monitoring equipment.

Please see our website: BuyDraegerSafety


I'm Dan Hines, with Cross Instrumentation Company. Our focus is Industrial Sales of Process Measurement and Control equipment. We are specialists in hard to solve flow, level, analytical and safety applications.

We have multiple online stores for buyers looking for Draeger Safety Products (including Draeger Gas Detection Tubes), GPI Flow Meters, Schroeder Filter Elements, GASCO Calibration Gas, Wika Tronic Pressure and Level Transmitters and GPI Fuel Transfer Pumps and Meters.

Here's our store name and address: BuyDraegerSafety

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Have You Ever Encountered A Carnivorous Plant?

You've always hear of carnivorous animals, but what about plants? Sure, you may have seen the movies depicting an orchid snatching up a small human, but there's more truth to it than just Hollywood. There really are plants that eat animals. The most popular carnivorous plant is a Venus Fly Trap. Their way of trapping and digesting their prey makes you watch in awe and amazement for what mother nature has created. Venus Fly Traps are wonderful plants to behold, but they are rarely found in nature.

To be considered a carnivorous plant, it must attract, capture, kill and digest insects or other animal life. The Venus Fly Trap does this in a very unique way. It first attracts is prey by secreting a mucus that is sweet s to the insects. Once an insect lands on a leaf, hair like sensors that detect motion inside its mouth must be triggered. After one sensor is moved, the trap gets poised to snap shut. After a second sensor is hit, it snaps shut! Their jaws-of-death move with lightning fast speed to trap the unlucky bug that lands on one of the plant's sweet pads. There is a two-hit requirement that keeps a Venus Fly Trap from closing on water, wind, or a still object such as a leaf. This is a key part of its survival because once the plant snaps shut it takes approximately 12 hours for it to open completely back up, thus making it incapable of getting food during that period.

The Venus Fly Trap will live between 10 and 11 years in proper conditions. They are native to the bogs and swamplands of North and South Carolina. They live in wet sandy and peaty soils that lack nutrition, so catching insects provides the nitrogen for protein formation that the soil cannot. Contrary to popular belief, they are not a tropical plant and can tolerate mild winters by going through a period of dormancy.

Because these plants go through periods of dormancy and other special needs like keeping their soil damp when the humidity is low, they can be slightly more difficult to cultivate than your typical house plant. So when purchasing a Venus Fly Trap be sure to follow the directions and you can have a healthy carnivorous plant. This can be a great family pet that requires little effort and can be shipped right to your door through http://mycarnivore.com/, other internet sites, and occasionally can be found in local stores.

Brian Leawood is the author of this article on Venus Fly Trap.
Find more information about Venus Fly Trap Plant here.

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2012年6月23日 星期六

Choosing Tumble Dryers

People who live in regions with prolonged wet or cold climatic conditions require dedicated dryers which are efficient and faster. The drying process of clothes during such seasons, is a time consuming one. Even in tropical countries, people find it necessary to use dryers during winters and monsoons. Again, in the context of climate change and resultant vagaries of nature, unseasoned rains and unprecedented snowfalls play tantrums with the lives of the people. Consequently wet and humid conditions prevail for extended periods creating hardships. Washing machines with dryers are used widely, but dedicated tumble dryers are much faster than them. And as such consumers choose dryers to expedite the drying process. Further, clothes will not get crumpled and can be ironed without difficulties. It is to be mentioned in this context that modern dryers are designed to make the drums to spin in both directions to avoid the crumpling of clothes. The demands are increasing in the recent past throughout the world because of the new situations.

Integrated washing machines are generally expensive than dedicated dryers. It is economical to have this appliance, even if the washing machines have dryers integrated with them because the former facility will have much more capacity than the later ones. There are mainly two types of tumble dryers available in the market. The vented type uses dry air which will be sucked into the drum. Wet clothes in the rotating drum will absorb the hot and dry air and in the process they will get dry. The residual humid air will be pumped out through venting ducts provided for the purpose. The hose pipe will release the exhaust air to the atmosphere outside causing inconvenience to the neighbours as well as environmental problems. For this reason vent type dryer is not preferred by those who live in apartments etc.

The other type is known as condenser tumble dryers. In this type the damp air will go to a condensing chamber, where the steamy air will get cooled and converted into water. The water thus formed can be drained out either manually or through drain pipes without causing hardships to others. Vented types are cheaper, but making provisions for venting ducts through walls or widows will be difficult in certain types of buildings as mentioned earlier. Generally tumble dryers consume more energy and therefore considered very expensive. But now many branded dryers come with energy labels indicating their energy efficiency. There are machines which work on gas, but availability of appropriate gas has to be ensured.

There are large numbers of branded tumble dryers available in the markets. Whirlpool has introduced their sixth sense condenser and vented dryers which are free standing models. Bosch, Zanussi, Hoover, LG, CDA are among plethora of brands and models of tumble dryers that are widely sold in the market. Modern products come with innovative features like electronic sensors and timer controls. Digital display will indicate the level of humidity in the clothes as well as the time required to dry them. Programmable machines are convenient for busy home makers who have little or no time to monitor the working of the tumble dryers. Like all other consumer durables this product is also covered by warranties and after sale service options.

Read reviews on latest tumble dryers from leading brands including Hotpoint tumble dryers, Bosch and Zanussi at Tumble dryers reviews website.

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Best Baby Monitor On The Market

Choosing a baby monitor is an important decision for any set of new parents, and lucky for them, there is a market full of impressive, innovative baby monitors on today's market. For parents, the safety of their baby is the most important thing, and a good baby monitor is essential to keeping your baby safe. Here are the best baby monitors on the market today.

The best baby monitor on the market comes from BebeSounds. Their Angelcare Deluxe Movement Sensor with Sound Monitor offers an innovative crib sensor pad that monitors your baby's movement when you aren't there. If a baby lies completely still for 20 seconds, the sensor alerts the adults with an LED light and an alarm, so they can go check on their child. Besides that, it also features an 820-foot range and top-notch sound quality that won't interfere with your wireless Internet or cordless phone.

Those looking for a video monitor should strongly consider the Summer Infant Day & Night Handheld Color Video Monitor. The top video monitor on the market displays its crisp video quality on a 1.6-inch display and offers great sound quality to go along with the video. The versatile machine runs on battery power as well as A/C power, which allows you to travel with it easily. The battery lasts up to 10 hours on one charge. If its average range (around 350 feet) doesn't bother you, you will really appreciate this top quality monitor's performance.

The Avent DECT Monitor SCD530 is another fantastic monitor, thanks to its audio clarity and environmental monitoring. Basically, it can monitor the temperature and humidity in your baby's room, which guarantees that you will be abreast of any changes that might take place in the all-important atmosphere of your child's room. It uses DECT (Digitally Enhanced Cordless Technology) Technology to make sure its sound quality is top notch, and it will not interfere with any of your wireless networks or cordless phones. While it may not feature all the bells and whistles of other top machines, it is an excellent meat-and-potatoes monitor that is extremely reliable.

Everybody wants the best for their young child, and the monitor should be no exception. Any search for a baby monitor should begin with one of the fantastic aforementioned models.

For more information about the Best Baby Monitor, visit the Babies and Kids category on Bestcovery.com.

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HVAC Economizers

HVAC economizers are called DDC systems in industry parlance. DDC stands for Direct Digital Control, basically computerized controls of HVAC air handlers instead of using mechanical systems to control the use of the air handler and other components. Computer technology has been able to provide dramatic energy savings for years, but the real advance recently is the ease of use for air conditioning services Denver technicians.

Instead of being pre-installed at the factory, now your HVAC technician can modify the DDC settings on site. This is a powerful new tool for Denver HVAC companies because they can customize air handler use or program zone control by site. Economizers do need extra ductwork and equipment to maximize their efficiency. One way economizers do this is by using outside air for heating or cooling when the conditions are right. When the outside air is at a temperature compatible with your comfort settings, there is no reason to use mechanical heating or cooling to do extra work.

Commercial building codes in Colorado require a certain amount of air to be circulated through the building every hour. There is no need to treat the excess air needed beyond the heating requirements. The dampers that control this excess air are often inadequate compared to digital economizers. If not calibrated after installation, these dampers often malfunction to the point that the building owners disable the devices within a year.

A common economizer in furnaces uses the heat from exhaust flue gases to make full use of boiler energy. These units are not overly complicated but it might be easier to use a specialty furnaces services Denver company for these kinds of installations or repairs. The economizer digital controls should work directly with the HVAC control system. These new digital units spit out charts and graphs of performance and can be monitored remotely.

In order for the DDC economizer to do its job correctly, it needs inputs, or information gathering sources so it can see how the HVAC system and the interior of the building are operating. One sensor should be a CO2 sensor inside the building. This allows the air handler to decide when to operate without an air damper. When C02 is at safe levels, the system will re-condition the air, significantly saving energy venting cooled air outside. The sensor is built to override everything else for safety. Two more sensors should gather outside air temperature and humidity. One way the unit can maintain good indoor air quality is to keep the building at slight pressure. This stops air infiltration which can lead to unwanted moisture or pollutants in the building.

For more information on Denver air conditioning or heating services check out my blog: Denver HVAC, where I try and give you all the insider tips you need to make your HVAC system purr.

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2012年6月22日 星期五

Closet Dehumidifier - Prevents the Mold on Shoes and Clothes

For people who live in highly humid zones, putting on damp clothes and shoes often means there could be mold and mildew growing in the closet. A closet dehumidifier can be the solution to damp clothes and moldy shoes, and it certainly helps make getting dressed in the morning a more pleasant feeling. When moisture is prevalent throughout the house, it can lead to a variety of unhealthy and unsanitary conditions. By minimizing the humidity in the home, that damp, sticky feeling on the clothes goes away and everything is much more comfortable.


One of the most common ways of dehumidifying a closet or other small space is by crystallized silica gel. This form of mesoporous silica was actually developed in the early 1970s, but it was much later before it was discovered that it had exceptional qualities to absorb moisture in tight enclosed spaces. One of the most common areas in which these crystallized packets of silica are used is in electronic packaging because the extra moisture in the air tends to damage the electronic equipment.

Currently, it's been determined that there are uses in keeping medication dry, sensors, and tens of thousands of other articles dry, but they are also convenient for helping to dry clothes and shoes. Using silica is safe because it is not toxic, and it's odorless, and it can be enclosed in small packets or a dehumidifier container, requires no special installation, electrical current, or other issues that larger devices require.

Best Features

Desiccant dehumidifiers are small packets that contain various materials that remove the moisture from the surrounding air by ensuring the material has moving air that allows the crystals inside to attract and absorb the water molecules in the air. The moisture is retained for a period of time before it is left to dry out, and be reused. Some of these units actually have no features because they are simply packets filled with the crystallized silica gel that is placed in the closet to absorb the moisture. Other types actually have several components that include a container that holds the desiccant, a fan to move the air through the desiccant, another fan to draw the humidity through the holding compartment and a heater to reheat the air before it is dispersed into the room again.

Various Types

One type of Closet Dehumidifier is the Willert Keep It Dry brand that is simply a container of crystals that attract and retain the moisture in the closet. When the crystals become saturated, they turn a specific color, and may be placed outside in the warm sun and allowed to dry for eight to 24 hours before being replaced back in the enclosed space.

Another type of small dehumidifier unit is the Eva-Dry Mini Closet Dehumidifier that doesn't require power to dehumidify the room, because it simply contains the desiccant inside that attracts and retains the moisture in the air. It can actually hold approximately six ounces of moisture, and once it is saturated, it is plugged into a power outlet in a well ventilated room for about eight hours in order to "renew" the unit. Once it's renewed, it's ready to dehumidify the room again.

Great Resources

Stop putting on damp clothes and mold shoes, and get a closet dehumidifier to remove the humidity and make them comfortable again.

Copyright 2011 Dehumidifier-advisor.com, all rights reserved.

Manon is the editor Dehumidifier-advisor.com which Provides you with news, tips, articles and reviews on (de)humidifiers. For more info about Closet dehumidifier or Dehumidifier reviews please check our website.

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LG Over the Range Microwaves - Four Models Reviewed

LG over the range microwaves are revolutionizing the industry with their innovative advances like the development of a Warming Lamp to keep entrees warm and their Glide and Spin cooking trays to assure that your food cooks more evenly.

The idea for the first microwave came about in 1945 when an engineer was working on a device and found that the chocolate bar in his pocket had melted. This was due to the microwaves. He then experimented with popcorn kernels and through trial and error he discovered what foods could be cooked this way. By the 1970s, microwave ovens had made great strides and, for many, they were no longer considered a luxury; they were considered a necessity.

Today, microwaves continue to evolve and many busy families depend on them to cook their meals. They are quick, easy and they save energy. There are currently ten LG over the range microwaves to choose from and they each offer a variety of features.

LMV1680BB LG Over the Range Microwaves

This microwave is a 1.6 cubic feet capacity and comes in black, white and stainless steel. It features the keypad on the front side, a top fan to improve circulation and a melt soften setting. You will no longer have to wait for your butter to soften for baking and no more worrying about scorching the butter. It is easy to operate and powerful enough for most cooking. It is priced at approximately two hundred dollars.

LMV2083SW LG Over the Range Microwaves

Priced at approximately three hundred dollars, this 2.0 cubic feet microwave consistently receives great reviews from users. It includes technology called Sensor Cook that takes the guesswork out of microwave cooking; when your food is completely cooked, the microwave shuts itself off - no need to worry about under or over cooking. The venting system removes smoke and odors from your kitchen and the large size enables you to easily prepare larger meals. The defrost feature works better than those in most other microwaves. This LG over the range microwave is a stylish and functional unit.

LMVM2085SB Over the Range Microwaves

This is a sleek looking microwave that comes in black, white and stainless steel. It offers a 2.0 cubic feet capacity, the keypad is along the bottom on the front and it includes a revolutionary feature called Warming Lamp. This innovative feature will keep your food warm and ready to serve for up to 90 minutes. It also includes Sensor Cook technology; a humidity sensing technology that will assure your food is cooked to perfection. It includes a wide view window that will allow you to check the progress of your meal. The Glide and Spin is a sliding tray that moves from side to side; or you can use the spinning turntable to ensure your food is evenly cooked. This microwave is priced at approximately four hundred fifty dollars.

LMVH1750 LG Over the Range Microwaves

This is currently LG's (Life's Good Electronics) highest priced microwave at approximately six hundred dollars. It is a convection microwave and it can preheat, brown, bake or roast in a lot less time than a conventional oven. It is made of stainless steel and offers Sensor Cook technology that will eliminate the guesswork from your microwave cooking.

All LG over the range microwaves come with a warranty. Before you purchase one it would be wise to do an online comparison to assure yourself that you are getting all the features that you will need.

John has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does he specialize in kitchen appliances, you can also check out his latest website on Archos MP3 Players which reviews some popular media players on the market.

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Home Of The Future

What will homes be like 100 years from now? No need to get out your crystal ball. Here are a couple of predictions, based on current home automation trends: Homes will be "smarter" and homes will be "conservers".

Smart homes already help us conserve energy and live more comfortably. Lighting control, such as motion sensors in closets, automatically turns off the lights when the door is closed. Programmable zone thermostats save both natural resources and utility costs, and some thermostats today are even programmed to respond to relative humidity. Undoubtedly natural resources will be less plentiful in the future, so alternative energy solutions and energy conservation will be an integral part of architects' designs. So continue to think green, think environmental impact.

Technology of the future will further increase our comfort and amenities levels. The media-savvy generations of future homeowners who are accustomed to instant personal gratification, already demand more "on demand" services. Technology will incorporate and integrate unprecedented and almost unlimited control, convenience and flexibility.

Security will be more elaborate and will be embedded with technology. So how will you get into your house? Certainly not with an outdated key or key pad! Think scanners. Biometric technology today has already eliminated keys, codes, and worries by giving us fingerprint scans. In the future, retina scans, along with breath, voice, and bone scans, will all enhance security.

Centralized wireless systems will integrate and automate everything from lighting to air quality. What will you first notice as you enter your house? For starters, it's the perfect temperature for you and the ideal humidity, and there's a gentle wafting aroma of freshly baked apple pie (or whatever desirable fragrance you prefer.) Your house will be able to "self-diagnose", analyze its own air quality, and adjust it accordingly for temperature, humidity, air exchange, airflow, and filtration.

As you walk through your house, the technology system creates room ambiances, so that as you enter different rooms, lighting, climate control, music, and fragrances will automatically adjust to your personal preferences. Window blinds open or close, fans switch to high or low settings, appliances turn on or off, all depending on your exact predetermined settings.

Tired of the scenery? Want a quick get-away? Something different? At the touch of a button, a flat screen drops down in front of each window, and you can enjoy the beach or mountains or pastoral settings in any country of the world, along with self-selected weather and appropriate sound effects for rain and wind.

You can modify settings by accessing inset control panels located throughout the house. Or, you may prefer voice activation instead. How about some major modifications? Want to move a doorway? Redecorate? Eliminate a wall? Change the digital artwork? Add a fireplace? Presto! It's done.

How does all this happen? Software. Smart talk. The home's multiple components and systems "talk" to each other to keep equipment operating at its optimum set level of performance. Embrace home technology! It's the wave of the future. Are you ready for it?

Tuscany Homes, LLC is a custom home builder and renovator in Atlanta, Georgia. We are committed to bringing the luxuries of tomorrow into the homes of today. Visit us at http://www.tuscanyhomesllc.com to see some beautiful examples of our creative and innovative projects.

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Console Management Solutions For Distributed Datacenters

What is Console Management?

Console management is the set up, configuration, and maintenance of serial devices, including servers, switches, routers, and telecom gear. Most of these devices offer EIA 232 serial port(s) as a primary console port for management. IT administrators can manage serial devices locally or remotely through the device's console port.

Local and Remote Console Management

Local console management uses a physical connection to the device in order to perform set up, maintenance and repair tasks. Typically, an administrator would go to a failed device with a crash cart or a laptop and physically plug into the device to diagnose and fix the problem.

Remote console management provides access to the console port of a device on the network via a TCP/IP Ethernet connection or by telephone via a modem-to-modem connection. A whole selection of console management tools and technologies has evolved to meet these needs. One of the most common devices used for remote console management is a console serial switch, also referred to as a console server. A serial console switch can provide access to multiple serial ports locally through its console port.

Local and remote console management can be achieved via the regular network infrastructure (in-band management) or a dedicated management channel (out of-band) used for device maintenance.

In-band Management: In-band management uses the same network that connects the devices being managed. Control and management data share the same network as the user data. Many in-band management tools are provided as integrated functions of the operating system and hardware platform. For example, managed devices can be accessed on the in-band network through common protocols, such as Telnet or SSH. SNMP polling allows an administrator to determine faulty behavior or connection problems.

A significant limitation of in-band management is its vulnerability to problems such as an operating system crash or the loss of a network connection. The failure of a single device on the network could potentially prevent management connectivity throughout the network itself.

Out-of-Band Management: Out-of-band management is the use of a dedicated management channel for device maintenance. It uses an interface that does not rely on the proper functioning of the operating system, applications, protocol stacks and the production network. Using out of band management, a network device can be accessed, reconfigured and recovered in the event of a failure of normal in-band management methods, such as an operating system crash or a network connection failure. Out-of-band management addresses the limitation of in-band communication by employing a management channel that is physically isolated from the data channel.

The most common out-of-band management solution involves connecting each device's serial port to a console switch. This allows the monitoring of Boot process and console access which may not be available using typical in-band management. Depending on BIOS support it also allows access to BIOS information through the console port.

Console serial port switches can provide form factor and multiple port flexibility for up to 32 ports in a 1U form factor. Products that include flexible options to remotely access managed devices in an out-of-band management network are ideal products for data centers and high performance clusters.

Another type of out-of-band management solution involves a computer with a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) that has its own processor, memory, battery, network connection, and access to the system bus. The BMC can monitor the computer for critical events, send alerts and log events, and perform management functions. Out-of-band management can also be done by connecting the managed devices to a separate Ethernet network. An administrator can access the devices remotely via SSH or a VPN tunnel to the out-of-band management network.

Console Serial Switch

A console serial switch is a device that provides single point serial port access for multiple devices with serial console port(s), such as routers, switches, servers. The Console Serial Switch typically has one or more Ethernet ports and multiple serial ports. The console switch provides the capability of using a host on the network to connect simultaneously to the console ports of multiple devices. It also provides complete in-band and out-of-band management for switches, routers, and other devices using a Telnet session or a Web Interface (HTTP). The connected devices can also be accessed securely using a console switch that supports a secure shell (SSH) or through a secure web session (HTTPS).

Secure Remote Access: Both Telnet and SSH protocols are supported by most of the hosts used to access the console switch. By launching a Telnet or SSH session directly to the console switch, the user would be presented with the command line interface of the console switch. Many console switches provide web-based management software that can be accessed through a browser using HTTPS. These interfaces allow the administrator to access attached devices or to control the console switch itself.

Telnet communication is a plain text communication and is not encrypted leaving sensitive information vulnerable. SSH and HTTPS communications are encrypted and secure. After authentication a pair of public keys is exchanged between client and server. All communication is then encrypted using the received public keys. Only the corresponding private key holder can decrypt the messages. Using these industry standard protocols, an administrator can access the serial console port of an attached data center device as if using an actual crash cart.

Secure SSH Console Serial Port Switches offer a broad set of secure access methods that meet the needs of different customers. Look for switches that support Secure Shell (SSH v2), individual port authentication, HTTPS for enhanced security, and dial-in access support, so that only known users at specific locations can access the switch.

Remote, Centralized Management: The ability to monitor and control managed multiple remote servers makes the console switch a powerful tool. Through console redirection, administrators can access the BIOS and operating system processes of a managed server through the serial port. Console redirection sends a managed server's system output to the serial console port and accepts inputs from the console port.

In Windows, EMS console redirection starts as soon as Windows begins to load and is available until the Windows graphical interface becomes active. Once the Windows graphical interface is active, the special administrative console takes over. In other operating systems, such as Linux or FreeBSD, console redirection remains active after the OS has loaded. Redirection is accessed through a serial console login.

Scalability and the switch's control methods are important issues to consider when centrally managing larger deployments. Scalability varies with different console switches. Some switches support as few as four devices, while others support a larger number. Maintaining large deployments of servers can be simplified with a console switch. For control, a well-designed graphic interface and the ability to configure complex events (data capture, notificatin, and scripting) enhance an administrator's ability to manage multiple devices and minimize down time.

Administrator's can securely manage up to 32 devices with a high end Secure SSH Console Serial Port Switch. Features like: easy-to-use web-based interfaces, menu-driven device selection and diagnostic and event management features will be very useful in allowing administrators to quickly locate the source of equipment failures and correct them.

Environmental Monitoring: Another way that console switches can maximize uptime is by detecting external environmental threats that can cause managed devices to fail. Excessive heat and rapid temperature changes in a data center, server room, or network closet can damage equipment. Low humidity levels can produce electrostatic discharge, interfering with hardware and causing system damage. Some consoles switches include sensors that detect these environmental threats and sends alerts so the threat can be addressed.

Secure SSH Console Serial Port Switches monitor multiple environmental conditions, including: temperature, humidity, and water detection. The switch also supports contact sensors. When a sensor goes out of a defined range, the system will notify you via email, LEDs, web page, or SNMP trap.


Look for console serial switches that provide complete in-band and out-of-band management of local and remote devices, as well as remote environmental monitoring of server rooms. Features such as an easy-to-use graphic interface, powerful diagnostic tools for large deployments, secure access, and high port densities in a small form factor will enable administrators to effectively and securely manage multiple devices. A quality device will give IT managers many different control and interface options for managing: servers, switches, routers, and telecom gear in a cost effective way.

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2012年6月21日 星期四

Do You Have What it Takes to Become an Amateur Meteorologist?

Cloud patterns and wind velocity. When you saw those words, you knew immediately that they dealt with the weather, right? Did you form some sort of image in your mind and did the words bring just a touch of interest or excitement? If your answer was "yes," you may have what it takes to become an amateur meteorologist.

Have you always had an interest in the weather? Would you like to learn how to forecast the weather and use both simple and sophisticated instruments to do it? No problem. Just follow along here and we'll have you predicting local storms in no time at all.

By being an amateur, you are just that. Not a professional meteorologist with the kind of training that allows you to work for the National Weather Service (NWS) or the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) but someone who knows the terminology and the tools needed to determine weather pattern movement and characteristics. You will become part of a network of people all over the world who match and report on weather conditions in their communities in order to make sure that the rest of the world knows what the global weather is doing at any location and at any particular time.

In order to get started with your new hobby, you'll need both some knowledge and some tools. The knowledge will come from the Internet and the tools will be simple weather instruments that you can buy reasonably inexpensively and install yourself in your own back yard.

So that you can learn about weather and all of its terminology and nomenclature, you should run a search for the following terms, "weather" or "weather forecasting." If you print off all the relevant information that you find for those terms, you will have more information than most books will provide. Read the information and learn everything you can about weather, weather tools and instruments, weather forecasting and weather symbols. Learn how to read a weather map. It's not that difficult. If there is a NWS bureau nearby, you should call them and ask for a tour. Look at all the complicated and sophisticated equipment they use to provide the daily weather information.

Inside of a month of two, you should have a good weather education. Now, it's time to put that information and knowledge to practice. It's time for you to buy some weather instruments and gadgets. What you'll need are the simplest forms of weather instruments and you can buy them either one at a time or in a neat little package called a home weather station.

The instruments that you'll need are a weather thermometer, a barometer, a hygrometer, a wind vane, an anemometer, a good compass (usually comes with the anemometer), an atomic clock and a rain gauge. That's it! Those simple instruments and Weather maps are important to track your findings and compare to the weather in regions close to you.

It may take a while for you to buy each of these instrument components but you can get them all in the home weather station package. It is a wireless multi-component package with all of these instruments in it. You simply have to install the instruments in your yard, put in some batteries and install the software on your computer or place the enclosed digital read-out screen on a cabinet or desk somewhere in your house. Every minute of the day, you will receive readings from each of the instruments and you'll never have to go outside unless you just want to. You'll learn what each of these instruments does and how you can use them to forecast the weather in your online weather lessons.

Then the fun begins! You will find yourself almost obsessed with the weather for a while. You'll be challenging yourself to beat the TV weather personalities at their own game. You'll take great pride in predicting storms before they're announced. All this will be a blast. It's hard to explain the exhilaration that you'll feel being the neighborhood weather expert. Your neighbors will come to you with weather questions and ask for local forecasts. You'll get the attention once they know your a weather nut. Not quite rock star status but you'll get plenty of attention.

You should look at some of the following wireless weather stations if you're going to get into this. They are

excellent, advanced tech products and the cost is very reasonable.

The La Crosse WA-1340 Weather Direct TALKING Wireless Weather Station for about $90. This unit gives you easy access to the same quality weather as meteorologists 24 hours-a-day without turning on a TV or a computer! It works without Wi-Fi, there is NO software to install, and the forecasts are totally FREE. NO subscription required.

Another great LaCrosse product is the La Crosse Technology WS-8035U-IT-SAL Wireless Weather Station with Remote Temperature and Humidity Gauge. The weather station's main console displays a wide range of information in an easy-to-read format on a large LCD. The unit monitors indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity, as well as barometric pressure, and features a pressure history chart to give you some idea of where the weather is heading.

Oregon Scientific also makes some high tech instruments that you should consider, such as the Oregon Scientific WMR968 Cable Free Complete Weather Station. This baby goes for around $205. Completely wireless and simple to install, this home weather station tracks and stores data about more than 20 weather conditions and displays them on a touch-screen LCD monitor that measures only 8 inches wide by 5-1/2 inches high. There are three outdoor sensors, each powered by a solar cell: an anemometer that attaches to a building, fence, or roof to measure wind speed and direction; a thermo-hygrometer to measure temperature and humidity; and a self-emptying rain gauge.

Whichever choice you make is a good one. Like all other enthusiasts, you'll probably find yourself trading up for tools and equipment until you have exactly what you want. Let's just hope that you don't trade up to a Doppler radar. I'm not sure your neighbors would appreciate that.

Now go out and get started. Learn your basics and begin a fun and enjoyable hobby that will give you lots of enjoyment and recognition.

Gary Vaughn writes about the weather, weather instruments and amateur meteorology at http://weatherinstrumentsinfo.blogspot.com

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Modern Day Advanced Bathroom Exhaust Fans - What Are Your Options?

Gone are the days when bathroom fans worked poorly and made too much noise. Unlike these less efficient models, the modern day appliances are far more energy efficient and makes almost no noise while operating. For instance, there are bathroom exhaust fans featuring water heaters. When it comes to such kinds of appliances, there are some things that you need to be aware of. We're about to explain the nitty-gritty of such advanced models.

First thing's first, ensure that you get a bath fan which is equipped with a heater. If you're able to handle the installation all by yourself, then you should go ahead and do it. But if you can't do this, find an experienced electrician who has the skills needed to do it.

You'll have to consider the issue of the appliance's capacity, in terms of the volume of air it is able to move. It's measured in Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). It is better when this number is high. This means that the model will exhaust much more foul or damp air from the room.

It's suggested that you select a powerful fan. Surely, more power will result in spending more money. This is the reason why it makes great sense to take your budget into consideration. Still, don't even think of hitting below 50 CFM anyhow. Modern models, which are equipped with water heaters, are made especially for areas, which already have a bathroom exhaust fan, but it's a poor performer.

Besides, there are models equipped with lights. These help you get rid of the moisture more effectively. The whole process is automatic, so you won't have to do more than turning the fan on, if the humidity seems high. Modern models are very sensitive as they have sensors to gauge the humidity level. Thus, these bathroom exhaust fans get turned on automatically when the humidity level goes up.

For more information about Panasonic fans, feel free to visit: Panasonic bathroom fans.

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