2012年8月26日 星期日

Process Sensors And Their Role In Industrial Environments

Just as technical advancements have made our life easier and more comfortable, they have also had a positive and impressive impact in our working environment. Business organizations rely on computers and machines to satisfy their customers' expectations all year round and all day round and in almost every case to ensure high levels of productivity.

Industries and factories also require technical devices to help them perform at their best level, keep up with their clients' expectations and comply with the industry standards. Thus, industries and factories many a time rely on process sensors to make sure that the products being manufactured are being produced within the acceptable standards.

There are different process sensors available in the market. Some of them are specific to some industries while others can be shared by many. Two of the most popular ones are humidity sensors and temperature analyzers. We are going to deal with both of them in this article as they are quite generic and they are widely used in several industries.


Humidity sensors are also popularly referred to as moisture analyzers or hygrometers. They are highly sophisticated instruments that allow factory owners and operators make sure that the product being manufactured is not exposed to the wrong levels of humidity and that it is being produced in an environment that has the right content of moisture. Believe it or not, this is quite a serious issue that has to be handled with accuracy and care. There are many products that can be ruined if they are exposed to more wetness than what they really need. For instance, if potato chips are packed wet they will taste sour when we eat them and coffee beans may smell sour and rotten if they are packed when they are not well dried enough. The wood industry also needs moisture analyzers: wood has to be dry enough to be able to cut it into pieces but wet enough to remain flexible. Industries use different hygrometers along the manufacturing process to keep close track of the humidity conditions in the environment.


Temperature meters are usually called thermometers and, as their name suggests, they are used to measure the temperature present in the manufacturing environment. They play an essential role in the chemical industry as chemical compounds cannot be exposed to dramatic changes in temperature or to very high or low temperatures under the risk of losing their properties.

Eduard Jim writing about Humidity Sensors

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