2012年9月18日 星期二

Functions And Applications Of Data Logger

Data Logger, which is also known as a Data Recorder, is an electrical device that performs the task of recording data over a time period. It can even record data from sensors or instruments which are externally located. Data logger consists of inbuilt sensors that have the capacity to read data from external sensors. It works on microprocessor and battery charger, the size of this device is small. You can attach this device with a computer and retrieve data. The device can also act as a standalone instrument, as it can work with its own keyboard and display screen.

Data logger basically captures as well as stores data, this device has got data capturing elements like plug-in-board. It also has a special inbuilt device which is the data acquisition device that is like a serial communication system which works from the main computer. It is the main computer which performs the function of data recording system in real time.

Now let us check out some of the basic functions of data loggers. They have a multi functional ability. Let it be any sort of electrical signals, it has got the capacity to read all of these signals in a very minimum time frame.

Once the data recorder reads all types of electrical signal, it stores them straight in the internal memory. And once the internal memory captures this data, you can easily download this information straight to your computer. But this does not mean that loggers always need the help of a computer, as it can work without a computer too.

Nowadays people use data recorders for a variety of reasons. Now let us take a sneak peek at some of the basic applications of data recorders. They are used in the weather station in order to record data like wind speed, temperature, solar radiation etc. It is also used in test equipments to record hydrographic data like collecting information related to water depth or level.

The logger is also used to record data like moisture level of soil, gas pressure, tank level, road traffic, vehicle test, monitoring environmental issues, application for troubleshooting, railway signal, calibration service, management of energy consumption, research in wildlife and many more.

In many industries where the basic function is to store food items, you will find a massive use of data recorders. Here the device not only reads the temperature but it has humidity sensor which reads the humidity and makes sure that goods are in their perfect condition. Even in many restaurants also people use this device in the refrigerator in order to detect the temperature. It provides information of the temperature and makes sure that the food is in its best condition.

Data loggers come in both small as well as large sizes. Moreover, you will find this device in various price ranges, so depending upon your usage and budget you can choose your data logger. If you are looking for cheap data loggers then you can opt for the single channel loggers, but if budget is not a constraint for you then you can opt for the multitude data loggers.

Welcome to Canada's source for sensors. With 30 years of experience providing technical solutions, we are the data logger leaders.

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Data Logger A First Step To Quality Control

There are both negative and positive connotations in regards to the term data logger. Many seem to believe a logger is a bad thing. As if people are trying to spy on you, or get to your information. In a way a logger does get to your information, but most are used for good purposes.

When you get down to it a logger is a tool. Much like typing onto a screen, it is logging your data in a way. Many high tech pieces of equipment use loggers. The output is captured in data bases for further work, but this data is quite important. Certain multi million dollar pieces of equipment can be kept running with less expense by monitoring the output of these loggers.

Most major equipment, from air conditioning systems in large buildings, to heavy equipment, to manufacturing equipment have a variety of sensor throughout the machinery. It could be as simple as monitoring the power supply for a large computer. Sensor help to read even tens of thousands of a fluctuation in power, or tolerances. With these readings, replacement parts can be ordered ahead of time, and while normal maintenance happens, the parts get installed saving time and money on a production line.

In some higher calibrated equipment humidity is a major concern. It can easily affect efficiency and wear of an item. Humidity sensors play a vital role in adjustment and life of this kind of equipment, and can signal support personnel for deeper service when certain conditions are met.

When it comes down to a special drill press for circuit boards, or any fine tuned equipment, calibration service is very important. On some circuit boards for a computer, tolerances of less than a human hair are needed to the parts that get attached are precise and work right the first time. Calibration of a drill, or a robot to place those parts is beyond important.

It is quite frustrating to get a new cell phone, or some new electronics and have issues. Quality control should catch those issues prior them happening. Specialized test equipment helps in that role. Whether it be robotic or human operated, test equipment could be a simple fixture that powers up a monitor, a phone, or other product for special testing, or even down to individual components to ensure that a switch works within tolerances.

A data capture scheme can be a simple software or hardware device. This is where it can become negative also. Some loggers are never seen, you simply have no idea that information is being captured at all. Your company can use these, especially with sensitive info, or top secret clearances. It is rare to see some of this as the costs to monitor, and put the data to use is not a simple thing to do.

Overall these devices and programs are very important for the manufacturing world. The negative spying connotations aside, we use them every day. Even your voice mail is a logger of sorts, and we even delve deeper into the info to bring out meaning. The same thing happens in all types of equipment, even your car. That car's computer is a data logger, and helps keep everything running smooth.

Welcome to Canada's source for Calibration Service. With 30 years of experience providing technical solutions, we are the test equipment leaders.

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Making A Wise Clothes Dryers Shopping Decision

Moms, especially those who have large families know how useful can clothes dryers be. These home appliances are especially made to help speed up the laundry process as they can remove excess humidity from any piece of clothing. Clothes dryers consist of a tumbler in which you put the clothes and their moisture evaporates as hot air passes through.

Buying a clothes dryer is not impossible but it does require some time, patience and research as there are plenty of things to take into consideration. If you have already shopped around a little you have probably discovered that these home appliances can be classified in top loaders and front loaders. In general, women prefer the latter as they are convinced that they dry clothes in a more efficient manner and that they also have a larger capacity.

Just as refrigerators or washing machines, these devices are also classified according to the efficiency with which they use energy. Unless you are very rich or you do not care about your energy bill, make sure that you buy one that is classified A or B as this guarantees you that it is really energy efficient.

The vented clothes dryers are, by far, the most popular ones and the ones you are more acquainted with. They are also the most affordable ones and, usually, these clothes dryers are the ones with a nicer design.

Another type of clothes dryer is the condenser one. It is more expensive, less compact and, in general, they take up much more room. Condenser dryers are less aggressive to the environment than vented dryers and you should consider buying one of them if you have enough room where to place it.

One of the most interesting types of clothes dryers and the ones that we strongly advise you to purchase are the ones that come with an in built moisture sensor. They are quite new as they come with the latest in built technology. The moisture sensors installed determine the amount of humidity present in the clothes that are in the device and then dries them up to the point where their fibers are not damaged. Sensor dryers have the advantage that they can be easily calibrated according to the type of clothes you want to dry and, thus, the ironing also becomes easier. These clothes dryers give you the chance of leaving your clothes slightly humid so that you can iron them more comfortably, very dry so that you can put them in the wardrobe right away or a bit humid so that they can ventilate hanging from a peg.

Eduard Jim by Moisture Analyzers

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Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Moisture Analysers

Have you ever wondered why that packed potato chips are so crispy? Have you ever wondered how is it possible for grind coffee to be so crispy and smell so nicely even it is packed for weeks? If you have, then you may probably be interested in knowing that moisture analysers used in factories have a lot to do with that.

Moisture analysers are highly sensitive devices that are used by a large variety of industries in order to determine the amount of moisture present in different products and substances. From chemical preparation to animal food industry and from pharmaceuticals to human food industry and even the high technology manufacturing industry they all rely on moisture analysers in order to make sure that the final product meets the strictest quality levels.

Generally speaking, moisture usually makes us feel uncomfortable and sticky. For instance, when painting a room, if it is excessively humid outside paint takes longer to dry. In some industrial processes, some moisture is allowed and even welcome but, in others, it is of utmost importance to ensure that the manufacturing environment is not only clean but also moisture free and this is why moisture analysers are needed. They can precisely tell when the humidity levels have reached a critic point and trigger an alarm that tells operators that changes and adjustments need to be made.

Excessive moisture can easily mess up with chemical processes and scientific experiments, dyes and tints may not adhere adequately to the surfaces, potato chips may feel gummy and coffee beans may smell queer.

Moisture analysers are able to extract moisture present in any substance and measure it to see if it is within an appropriate humidity range. To begin with, it weighs the product before it is dried and then weighs it again after the drying process. Thus, it can tell the moisture level that the product or substance had. Moisture analysers operators are trained to know the exact temperature setting for each product they are measuring so that they can establish the measuring parameters accordingly and make sure that no mistake is made. There are different parameters to be considered such as the weight of the product and the length of the drying process so that it has to be adjusted carefully.

Humidity sensors are, as we have already said, highly sensitive devices and many industries cannot do without them. In fact, the final quality of many products depends directly on the performance of humidity sensors.

Eduard by Processsensors.com

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2012年9月17日 星期一

Prevent Mold! Hygrometer Calibration

I work with hygrometers frequently in my role as a home inspector. Consumer quality hygrometers and/or relative humidity gauges are inexpensive and infamous for inaccurate readings. That is too bad because maintaining the proper relative humidity at your home is a good start in discouraging fungal growth or even mold. Mold may be hard to identify and it is, typically, excluded on home inspection reports. However, if an inspector sees mold he or she will normally mention it. Most experts recommend that relative humidity in a home be maintained between 30% and 50%, with 60% seldom being a cause for concern. You can go online and find hundreds of articles explaining the reasons for this and suggesting optimum readings for your particular climate. You could also get that information from a university extension service in your area. Once you have that target percentage, customized for your climate and region, the simple procedures below will allow you to make sure that the readings you get from your hygrometer are reasonable and accurate at all times.

Calibrating a Hygrometer:

If you have a digital hygrometer or humidity gauge and wish to accurately calibrate it, without having to purchase expensive manufacturer-supplied salt calibration kits, here is the easy solution. The physics behind this project is simple and reliable: Different salts, when mixed with water to create a sludge or slurry, will generate a consistent and predictable humidity.

Simplified scientific explanation:

A saturated solution at a stable temperature and pressure has a fixed composition and a fixed vapor pressure. Thus, at constant temperature, no matter how much salt and how much water are present, the (RH) relative humidity that is produced is fixed, just as long as both the water and the solid phase are present. So, unless the water dries up, or the salt is made so wet that it liquefies, a predetermined humidity can be produced.

It is convenient for us that a solution of ordinary salt mixed with water (preferably distilled water) produces a predictable humidity over a wide range of temperatures. The humidity created, with ordinary salt (Sodium Chloride) and water, is 75.29% at an ideal temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature of the room is not critical for our purposes. For example, the RH is quite stable even with large variations: Salt solution at 59 degrees Fahrenheit will produce 75.61% RH and at 86 degrees Fahrenheit the RH is 75.09%.

To calibrate the lower end, 33% humidity, Magnesium Chloride (a salt) and water is used again. At the ideal temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit, this solution will produce an RH of 32.78%. At 59 degrees Fahrenheit it will produce an RH of 33.30% and at 86 degrees Fahrenheit it will produce 32.44% RH. Once again, "room temperature" is not critical.

Detailed calibration procedures:

With most professional instruments, it is recommended that they be calibrated at both a low point and a higher reference point. For convenience, most manufacturers have selected 75% and 33% RH as the default calibration standards. So, to calibrate our instruments, we need to be able to place the device in our own custom "humidity chamber".

To create your 75% humidity chamber put salt in a container and mix it with some water - but not too much. You want a damp sludge, not soup. I made containers from yogurt cartons. I cut the tops off, so they are about two inches high, and cut a recessed area so the hygrometer can rest with the sensor over the solution without it being in direct contact with the wet solution.

Put the hygrometer across the yogurt container and seal it in one, or even two, Ziploc bags. Having some air in the bag is unavoidable and fine. This method should work with any hygrometer, including the inexpensive mechanical hygrometers, which are typically only tested or calibrated at 75%. Again, make any accommodations required to make sure the instrument does not get wet -- it must sense the RH and not water. Normally, with the cheaper hygrometers, you cannot actually calibrate the device by changing the setting but you can take a reading in a known RH and from that calculate a correction factor. If you have a simple instrument, such as this, just calibrate it at 75%, get the correction factor for future reference, and work from there. It should be close enough for your purposes.

NOTICE: If you have a professional electronic hygrometer, which has a built-in but accessible sensor, you can simplify the calibration procedure. Merely obtain a couple plastic jars, such as oysters or similar foods come in, and drill holes in the lids so they provide a snug fit for the sensor on your instrument. Label the jars 75% and 33% and put your salt mixtures in the jars. I still use the yogurt containers to hold the salt mixtures and jam them in tight, about 1/3 of the way into the jar, so a humidity chamber is formed near the top of the jar. Screw the lids on the jars. If you have two hygrometers, put one in each jar lid. If not, put your hygrometer in one jar lid and a piece of tape or a seal of some type over the other one so the RH will stabilize. Once the proper RH has been created, in the same general time-frame described below, you can quickly check or re-calibrate a hygrometer by inserting the sensor in either of the two jars. Always give an instrument some time to stabilize, after moving it from one humidity chamber to another. This is the most accurate way for you to calibrate an instrument, if it can be done this way. The readings stay more stable than they do when a plastic bag is used: If a bag is inadvertently compressed or the contents shifted, which is likely to happen if you have to calibrate the instrument instead of merely viewing it, stability of the humidity chamber is affected and that can result in calibration errors. As a result, that process must be performed cautiously and double-checked.

Chemistry 75% solution:

Use pure salt, sodium chloride -- no additives. Morton canning salt from a grocery store is such a salt and it is inexpensive. Put a few tablespoons in the yogurt container and add distilled water to form a slurry. Put this in a Ziploc bag, with the hygrometer positioned over the container, and let it rest for about 12 hours. It takes that long for the solution to stabilize. (I let it rest overnight.) Personally, I like to leave the hygrometer display on so I can view readings through the bag, as they change, and also that way I know when the solution has stabilized.

With most digital hygrometers, they must be calibrated with the power or display turned off. So, once the solution has set for 12 hours and the reading has obviously stabilized, I turn the unit off. Then I commence with the manufacturer's calibration procedures. Typically this involves pushing in, with a paperclip or a similar object, a recessed button and other controls in a set order. In essence, you are "teaching" the instrument to "recognize" a set humidity the next time it is exposed to it. With the Ziploc bag, you can see the hygrometer reading and the controls so it is a simple matter to punch a tiny hole in the bag with the paper clip and calibrate the instrument without interfering with the relative humidity that has been created.

Chemistry 33% solution:

You need Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate. This is not as easy to obtain as regular salt, but it is not that difficult to find and it certainly can be done much cheaper than purchasing salt calibration kits. Prices and availability change but I purchase small quantities of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate, lab quality flakes, on Ebay. You will not use much at a time, but hygrometers should be calibrated two times per year so it will be a worthwhile supply to have on hand. It is becoming harder to buy even simple chemicals, but you can find this one at online chemical supply houses. It is, also, used as a de-icer. (Do not buy a magnesium + chloride supplement at a health food store - wrong product.) Mix the Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate with distilled water, the same way as was described above, and follow all the same procedures. You can start both bags, 33% and 75% at the same time, and place the instrument in one. This allows both solutions to stabilize at the same time and to begin producing the RH you need. After you have done the first calibration, open and, quickly, put the hygrometer in the next bag. Give it time to stabilize. This can take from 40 minutes to six hours. You can tell when it is ready for calibration because the reading stays the same for long periods of time. Complete the second calibration and you are done for six months!

Note: If you wish to test the overall accuracy of your instrument, other salts can produce many different RH levels. The procedures, as far as mixing the salts and water and creating a controlled humidity chamber, are the same as previously described.


It is possible to use this calibration procedure with any hygrometer, whether it can be calibrated or not, to determine it's accuracy so one can mathematically correct for inconsistencies. For example, if the instrument is reading 80% humidity in the 75% salt solution, it is reading 6.0- 7.0% too high and this should be taken into account when future readings are taken. Typically, with a mechanical unit, it is only the 75% reading that is tested. Some people will test a hygrometer by wrapping it in a wet towel and, after a few hours, the reading should be around 98%. One problem with this is, if the instrument is set to read too high, and it shows a reading at the top of the scale -- which seems reasonable when it is in a wet towel -- the unit might actually be sensing 110% or even 120% but that is not apparent because the reading is off the scale. Therefore, a later reading that shows 50% might actually be off by 20 points. It is, for this reason, that the two lower calibration points, both readily apparent on the instrument's display, have been established by manufacturers.

If you wish further information, or would like to comment on this article, please contact Steven L. Smith at King of the House, Inc. Email: kingofthehouse@comcast.net or please visit http://www.kingofthehouse.com

Steven L. Smith, owner of King of the House, Inc home inspection is a licensed structural pest inspector and a certified home inspector in Bellingham WA. Smith is the program coordinator for the college level home inspection training program at Bellingham Technical College. To contact Steven Smith, please call 360-676-6908. Healthy living in your home!

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Greenhouse Gardening For Food and Fun

Greenhouse gardening is the way to grow plants that are not suited to your climate, or just start your gardening earlier. Whatever shape or size you choose for your building, you create a separate little ecosystem within it. Everything that happens in the green house affects all the plants because you are working in an enclosed space, therefore it is a more intense way of gardening.

Kits and complete greenhouses are plentiful, from a wide variety of suppliers. Gardening supply businesses, lumber yards, hardware stores, and most large chain stores have stock available. If you are so inclined, there is much to be said for building your own greenhouse. An idea to simplify the task of this do-it-yourself project, is to buy the frame only, of a garden shed package, Doing this saves having to cut all the angles involved in building your own rafters and framing a doorway, speeding the process up. From there, you can use your own materials such as windows you have collected, and design your ventilation options according to your own preferences.

The ecosystem in the greenhouse is created with the usual components of gardening, soil, water, sunshine, and fresh air. Soil needs to be fibre rich so the seeds or seedlings can set roots easily. Well-rotted manure is a good base to start with if it is available. You will have to water everything regularly, whether it rains or not.

Fresh air, or air circulation, in the greenhouse, is very important to your gardening, and can be provided in two ways. If you can situate the greenhouse to take advantage of natural winds, and have adequate openings for ventilation, the air circulation may be adequate. Ventilation will improve with the use of one or more fans in the greenhouse. Your gardening experience will not be very successful if the temperature and humidity are allowed to spike throughout the hot days of summer. They need to be monitored so you know what is happening. Temperature and humidity can be supervised with a relatively inexpensive monitoring system that allows a sensor in the greenhouse to transmit to a receiver in your house. This system also allows you to know when your gardening efforts of the season will begin to need frost protection. A small heater with a fan, or the fan you have already been using with a heat source of some type, will do the job.

One word of caution regarding the use of any chemicals in the greenhouse: be very careful. All the plants will be affected by any chemical used because they are enclosed. This issue provides all the more reason to practice organic gardening and not use any chemicals.

Greenhouse gardening is a good way to experiment with plants that are not native to your climate. Because you control the environment, you can grow most anything you want.

We welcome readers to visit us at our blog http://twocountrygardeners.com to view other topics and ideas, and ask questions or leave comments.

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Learn To Avoid Water Damage In Your Property

Apart from earthquakes and fires, only water can have such a devastating impact not only on the life and health in a family's life. This is the main reason why it is so important for property owners to pay attention at leaking pipes, clogged drains or sewage systems that do not drain properly. In almost no time, those few drops that leaked from a pipe in the basement can turn that area in your house into your very own swimming pool and mold can start growing on walls and ceilings.

Water can cause severe damage in your property. To begin with, from the aesthetic point of view, it can damage the painting or wallpaper of the walls. Water causes humidity to make ugly yellowish stains that need to dry out completely before you can cover them with some fresh paint.

Humidity in walls and ceilings can lead to mold. And mold may trigger asthma attacks if you or your children are sensitive to it. Mold not only looks ugly on your walls and ceilings but it is also dangerous for your health.

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent water from causing damage in your house.

One of the most basic ones is doing a regular check up of every drain or pipe in your house. This may be tedious and boring but it is an essential first step to ensuring that there is no leaking pipe or clogged drain. If you see any, you can call a professional plumber to repair it.

Talking about plumbers, they are a second and efficient strategy. You should make it a habit to ask a professional plumber to check your property pipes. They are not only professionally trained to do so but they also have special equipment that can aid them in their task.

It is also really worth it to install a humidity sensor especially in those areas of your house where a pipe may be leaking but either you do not go there very often or is it really difficult to check. A humidity sensor can be placed in basements or attics or even in bedrooms. They are highly sensitive instruments that help you keep moisture under control and prevent water from ruining your flat or house. Moisture sensors are also called hygrometers or humidity analyzers and they are highly sensitive instruments that can immediately let you know when the level of humidity at a certain place is higher than usual.

Eduard Jim written for Moisture Sensors

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Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Problems And Opportunities

In reality, the perfect office doesn't exist today. Evidence that it doesn't, if any is needed, comes from a survey of members of the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA). IFMA asked more than 7,000 facility managers at U.S. corporations to rank the complaints they received most often. At the top of the list, according to the 2,400 respondents, were indoor environmental quality concerns. The biggest complaint was being too hot; number two was being too cold.

Employees responding to another survey reported difficulty doing their work because of poor indoor environmental quality. Those employees specified a number of factors as "stressors." Again, being too hot or too cold were among the top complaints. In fact, all of the top five stressors related to indoor environmental quality (IEQ):

1. Lack of air movement

2. Being too hot in summer

3. Stagnant air

4. Cigarette smoke

5. Being too cold in winter

IEQ is a broader term than IAQ - indoor air quality. IAQ deals specifically with the condition of the air within the building's occupied spaces. IEQ addresses the overall condition of the indoor space. Elements of IEQ include indoor temperature, ergonomics, noise and lighting, as well as the quality of the indoor air.

While there's no distinct line between IAQ and IEQ, what is clear is that the HVAC system has a substantial impact on both areas. What's also clear is that evaluating the HVAC system in light of the broader IEQ concerns can bring important benefits, including improved occupant comfort, reduced complaints and enhanced employee performance.


IAQ, of course, is a familiar topic for facility executives. It's also an area that's easy to overlook until a problem arises. Often, it is an accumulation of factors that cause the problem. Smoke, odors, dust and high occupancy in an area with too little ventilation all can decrease comfort and affect employee productivity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air as one of the top five environmental threats to human health. According to the World Health Organization, 30 percent of commercial buildings show signs of Sick Building Syndrome, including headaches, nausea, irritated nasal passages, itchy eyes and skin irritations.

Most code authorities recognize standards for ventilation air qualities established under ASHRAE Standard, which is based on the maximum possible number of occupants in the building. What complicates the matter is that, in the case of outside air, more is not necessarily better. The problem is how to avoid wasting energy by unnecessarily overventilating a building. Among the solutions are the methods used to control the ventilation, such as time-based ventilation, demand-based ventilation, carbon dioxide sensors and mixed gas sensors.

Controlling humidity

Humidity plays an important role in indoor environmental quality. If it gets too low, it causes respiratory problems, particularly for people with allergies, sinus problems or asthma. If it gets too high, more places become breeding grounds for microbial growth.

ASHRAE standards suggest relative humidity levels should be maintained between 30 percent and 60 percent. That means at times humidity needs to be added to the air and at other times it must be removed.

High relative humidity can have an impact on absenteeism and increases the potential for respiratory illnesses among workers. When relative humidity exceeds recommended levels, humans are adversely affected. Our sinuses are affected when humidity is too low and our skin dries out. Too high humidity causes different bacteria to propagate in mechanical systems.

There's another advantage to controlling humidity directly. The building owner can reduce energy bills in the heating season by reducing the temperature that would otherwise have been maintained and increasing the relative humidity within healthy ranges. The opposite can be done in the summer. Raising the temperature above what would otherwise have been maintained and lowering the humidity allows the body to evaporate moisture off the skin to stay cool.

While humidity and airborne contaminants are traditionally considered in IAQ analyses, other important IEQ factors may not be. Consider air movement. So many people look at IAQ from a system level and they tend to overlook what's happening in the occupied space. ASHRAE spells out rules for selecting a diffuser based on an air diffusion performance index (ADPI). An ADPI of 80 or higher assures adequate air movement.

Temperature is another issue that isn't always included in discussions of IAQ. One rationale for excluding temperature is that IAQ should be limited to health and safety issues.

Unfortunately, that distinction doesn't matter to building occupants who are complaining about their space. Rightly or wrongly, complaints about temperature are often attributed to poor indoor air quality. What's more, it can be difficult to separate health issues from ones tied to comfort.

Equally important is that employees who are uncomfortably hot or cold are likely to be less productive than they would otherwise be. That's one more reason facility executives are better off taking the IEQ approach to analyzing interior space.

Gains from good IEQ

A report for the National Energy Management Institute states that even in healthy buildings, a 1.5 percent productivity gain is possible when IEQ measures are instituted. In fact, the 1.5 percent gain is the conservative estimate; the report says that gains may be as high as 10 percent.

Productivity gains are not the only benefits from improving indoor environmental quality. Good IEQ also is good business.

To the building owner, good IEQ is a very clear plus. When you have good thermal comfort and good acoustic comfort, it differentiates your building from your competition. You can market your building as a clean and comfortable environment in which to work.

Analyzing IEQ

There are four basic steps to take. First, listen to your occupants and understand what they are saying about the building's indoor environmental quality. The second is walk through the building checking for those things and take specific measurements for those problems. The third step is to go back to the source - the HVAC system, for example - and take measurements there, making sure the equipment is doing what it is designed to do. The fourth step is to document any revised design or maintenance procedures that are taken to correct the problem. You also want to incorporate an occupant response mechanism for feedback to make sure you have corrected the problem.

Before making HVAC improvements, facilities executives need to conduct an economic analysis. Often, this analysis is based on utilities costs and savings. But, payback periods for HVAC improvements are much shorter when all major cost elements are added to the analysis. Such factors as building operating costs, salary costs and current productivity losses that could be regained shorten the payback period for proposed improvements.

Indoor environmental quality can be improved in nearly every building. And a number of steps can improve quality without costing much. In fact, many steps are just good facilities management.

You need to do proper maintenance of the building. Set up a checklist on a periodic basis and keep a log of all maintenance of your HVAC system. Do carbon monoxide monitoring for ventilation and make sure all controls are operating properly.

Facility managers and their staff need to fully understand how the HVAC and other systems in their buildings were intended to work and keep them operating in that manner. When major remodeling occurs or changes in space occupancy or usage, the ventilation and thermal requirements of the space need to be reviewed. When replacing equipment, the facility's staff needs to be involved in the selection, location and installation of the new equipment. This can help assure that the equipment will meet their needs and that they understand how it is to be operated and maintained. Building managers should also demand that the systems and equipment selected meet the currently established standards-of-care in that industry.

There are many solutions to indoor environmental quality problems, but it's not wise to wait for the crisis. Facility executives are better off looking now, before they have a problem. Chances are they'll find a number of IEQ issues that need to be addressed that can be handled at next to no cost. Half the issues that arise involve simple things your inhouse staff can do, like changing filters, cleaning drain pans, using high efficiency vacuums in housekeeping and so on. When you wait for the complaints, you are in a reactive mode trying to find a Band-Aid when you could have a more serious situation. If you consider IEQ now, you can take a more holistic approach and prevent your building from experiencing many IEQ problems.

Given all things on the facility agenda, it can be tough to find time to tackle a problem that no one is complaining about. But being proactive can pay off. One direct benefit is that, over the long term, a preventive approach will save time, perhaps a significant amount of time. There's another plus: Facility executives who can show senior managers that their actions have increased employee satisfaction or productivity are positioning themselves as problem-solvers and are demonstrating that the buildings they manage are assets, not costs.

Julian Arhire is a Manager with DtiCorp.com - DtiCorp.com carries more than 35,000 HVAC products, including industrial, commercial and residential parts and equipment from Honeywell, Johnson Contols, Robertshaw, Jandy, Grundfos, Armstrong and more.

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2012年9月16日 星期日

The Most Common Factors Associated With Mold Growth And Where To Look

Black mold can be a fatal problem if not taken care of. However, it is better to take preventive measures rather than waiting for it to occur and then seeking for cure. Following are the factors that can cause mold to grow in your surroundings.


It means the percentage of water content in the air is a vital nourishing factor for molds. It favors the growth of black mold. If the relative humidity level is greater than 55 percent, your indoor environment has the perfect conditions for the promotion of its growth.


Black mold also gets favorable growth conditions after an area is flooded. What makes flooded areas more immune to such hosts is that draining them out can take days and that gives it sufficient time for growth.

Leaky Roofs

The water stains that commonly occur in apartments should be alarming enough. A check should be kept in the upper flows for signs of water leakage or pipe damage.


The use of humidifiers can be dangerous if it is abused. So, if you have some humidifiers at your place, ensure that your relative humidity (RH) level remains within sixty percent. To ensure this, installation of a relative humidity sensor is required. One of the best humidity sensors switches off the humidifiers itself if the relative humidity level exceeds the limit. Thus, black molds can be avoided.

Damp Spaces

Such spaces are often ignored during the daily cleaning of the house and are considered nothing more than storage places. However, it is such places that have cooler temperature. This means condensation. Obviously, condensation being the source of water droplets favors mold growth.


The more plants you have, the more you will water them. The more you water them, the more of the water would be evaporated. The more the process of evaporation occurs, the more the amount of moisture will enter your environment. Thus, it will provide favorable conditions for black mold.

Fading Wall Paint

If you see your wallpaper peeling out, it is not because the tape wasn't good enough. The water seeping through your walls is always the major reason.

Blocked Gutters

Indoors drying appliances: Appliances that generate steam if placed inside the house can affect the relative humidity level. Once it shoots, the prevention of such colonies becomes tough. So, placing such appliances outside might do the trick.


This is no accumulation of dirt; it is pure colony of fungi, and proper measures have to be adopted in order to relieve oneself from it.

If you're interested in learning more about Black Mold and would like to see Black Mold Pictures, please feel free to visit our website.

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Server Rack Varieties That Offer Complete Climate Monitoring Features

The server rack is a common presence in some households as well as office IT setups today. But it has come way ahead from the time it was first invented. Today, there are racks that are designed to comply with environmental issues as well as for monitoring climate.

Server rack varieties with fan control:

High end and higher-density computing configurations necessitates the constant monitoring of climate change in your IT environment. This is essential both for proper functioning of your PC as well as to prevent any damage related to fluctuations in temperature, humidity etc. Many rack varieties come with built-in capability for further automation like fan control with set points along with temperature and humidity sensors set for low and high value. However, for better functioning of your rack it is also necessary to get the correct rackmount powerstrip.

Server rack varieties with alarming controls:

Sudden rise in temperature or humidity as well as smoke can affect the functioning of any computer. To avoid all these situations, there is a constant need for monitoring. Earlier this was done manually. But not anymore! With the advent of rack varieties that are equipped with amazing alarm controls nowadays operating PCs and servers have become a breeze. A standard configuration from most of the well known manufacturers today comes with sensor inputs and relays out puts. Some rack varieties have an audio-video alarm. An audio-buzzer and the display unit blinks to make the user aware of any defaults.

Why temperature monitoring in server racks?

All electronic gadgets need constant monitoring for climate changes or environmental issues. So, go for server rack varieties that have temperature monitoring features. Protect your IT environment from excessive heat, and humidity with racks that are environment sensitive and let you know when things go wrong!

ISC has a large selection of computer racks, rackmount powerstrips and rackmount accessories. Their online catalog for server rack does a good job showing your options along with detailed description so you know exactly what the rack or cabinet can do.

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A Data Logger Is Useful For Information Gathering

A very handy device that can be utilized for many purposes is a data logger. You've seen the name mentioned all over and may have been curious what application they serve and if it might be something that you might have use for.

Otherwise known as a data recorder, they can be either wired or wireless depending upon which one you are buying and what for. Costs can range from double digit inexpensive models to hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

You can purchase a simple data logger that will work through basic measurement applications or can be directed to specific types of measurements. They can be used for sensors for temperature information from anything from home to business applications that need to maintain a specific temperature.

Often used for a humidity sensor they can sample up to a twenty four hour span of time to check variables. Many will offer an alarm status as well as display present readings and a minimum or maximum allowable humidity or reading.

If a calibration service is used in conjunction with the apparatus, that will ensure accurate readings which may be essential to what your are measuring. What this entails is the verified readings from your device and any variance from the nations standards. It is advisable to have your data logger serviced yearly to maintain proper function.

Your testing equipment may seem like a small device but its performance is a necessary one for many services. They are useful to log voltage or current, humidity, temperature, power analysis, pressure, light and so many more applications.

From a basic model that provides you the bare read outs to USB plug and play models that have a display, alarm modes that are programmable and the list goes on. A more detailed model that uses a computer to access information will come with software that needs to be installed. It will provide displays for waveform, and report creation and analysis as well as anything else that may be bundled with it.

When purchasing these handy information sensors, you'll need to consider carefully what you will be using it for and what you need to include for best analysis. There are various accessories which you can buy in addition to your data logger to assist in better analysis gathering. Meters, monitors, sensors, weather stations, chart recorders, displays. Be certain that the model you choose allows for the accessories you want to couple with it.

Ensuring you have the right cables for the equipment you buy, is important as well. Speaking with a professional who can advise you on which model best suits your fact gathering needs is probably your best bet so that you have the proper education in knowing what will help you the most.

Data loggers have become a more accessible and valuable item used for test equipment. With applications that spread across so many areas they are quite possibly one of the most useful tools in ensuring your home, business, or study information is gathered quickly and efficiently.

Welcome to Canada's source for test equipment. With 30 years of experience providing technical solutions, we are the data logger leaders.

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2012年9月15日 星期六

What to Look For in a Toaster Before You Buy It

Probably you are planning to get a toaster that will serve you better, but I want to advice you not to hurry to get it. You must read this to know the features you must look for before purchasing.

Variable width: Thicker slices of bread, muffins and baps are all toasted more easily in a model with adjustable racks.

One-side-only toasting: A useful option if you toast tea cakes and muffins.

Electronic toaster: Microchip electronics toasters are expensive but produce the most evenly toasted slices. More basic models often give uneven results as the elements heat up.

Infrared and humidity sensors: Infrared sensors sense the temperature of the toast surface and adjust the browning accordingly. Humidity sensors monitor the degree of moisture in the slice.

Reheating facilities: This keeps your toast warm while you finish making the coffee or frying the eggs.

Frozen bread setting: If you need to make toast from a frozen sliced loaf, this setting adds a measured amount of time for defrosting the slice first.

Crumb tray: A removable crumb tray may make cleaning easier.

Authority approval: The stamp of the authority like the British Electro technical Approvals Board (BEAB) indicates that the toaster has been tested to approve safety standard.

Before you buy any toaster, you should also consider the following:

Feature: Buy a toaster that meets up with your need. Is it a handy one with an easy -to- use controls? It will be okay if you get one with an hanger to wrap up the cord to keep it from wriggling over countertops, and added convenience.

Capacity: A four -slice toaster may be large but very useful if a whole family is trying to use it at a time especially when you all are in haste to leave the home earlier. Two-slice model is also handy and may have two side-by-side slots or one long slot for two slices.

Safety: It is preferably to choose a toaster with plastic housing as it is not as much of absorb heat and feel hot to fingers than those made of metal. Always unplug your toaster machine when it I not in use and never leave the room for long while using it.

Do's And Don'ts: toaster Safety

Do always unplug the toaster before you clean it. It is best if you unplug it after general use.

Do not allow water to enter either the appliance or the plug. Clean it with a damp cloth.

Do not heat waffles in the toaster-they contain grease, which could clog the elements.

Do not use anything sharp, such as a knife; to remove toast stuck in the toaster-it could harm the elements. Unplug the toaster and use a non-metallic implement such as a wooden spoon.

Oladimeji Davies is committed to guide and give you safety tips on buying and using home appliances. Check their rich content articles on buying from cheapest places for maximum usage. You may check is free contents articles here. [http://www.teachertrust.net/blog]

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Everything You Need To Know About The Data Logger

There are many times when certain physical parameters need to be both measured and then recorded. Because of this, we will discuss everything you need to know about the data logger. We will not only define what such a system is but discuss how it works as well as what industries have been known to appreciate it's use. Read on and this system will no longer be a mystery to you.

The first question that is probably on the minds of many readers is "What is a data logging system?". This is simply a system that is used to measure the popular and reoccurring physical parameters. Popular examples of such parameters could be humidity, temperature as well as water pressure. A logging system will be able to measure these parameters and then store the results.

Another popular thing that readers who are not familiarized with such systems is what kind of components make them up. Well there is the hardware that is used to measure the qualities through the use of censors. This could be a tool that uses a humidity censor to detect the qualities of the humidity and then send the signal forward through the rest of the system.

Detection hardware is typically plugged into some type of desktop computer so that it's readings can be converted into a digital signal and then recorded onto a computerized log. Typically a specially designed software application is used to assist in both of these processes. The software package is a very important part of any data logging type of system.

While there are occasionally systems that are both large and cumbersome, it is important to keep in mind that the majority of systems are very portable in nature. This allows them to be easily moved from one location to another as they take different readings. Because of this the weight is usually not very heavy at all, the detection tools are typically stored in convenient cases.

Since a good portion of these systems are used for very heavy field work and a source of power is not always available, many of these systems are battery operated. When dealing with battery powered systems it is very important to remember that you always have charged batteries. Batteries that are not dead but low could cause inaccurate readings to occur.

There are such a great deal of industries around the world that rely on the very regular use of such systems. The food and beverage industry has been known to get much use form such devices. Also keep in mind that the agriculture and refrigeration industries find these units to be of much importance within everyday affairs. These are only but a few examples.

By now, you should be more than aware of everything that you should know about the data logger system. These systems serve a very practical purpose but only when properly maintained. This fact is a very important one to consider when dealing with such machines. It is very hard to find an industry that does not at the very least require the occasional use of such a system.

Welcome to Canada's source for Data Loggers, Calibration Services, Pressure Transducers, humidity sensors and one of Canadian industry's largest selection of other fine test & measurement instruments!

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Calibration Services

Calibration is simple, once you understand the basics. Simply put, Calibration is the method of adjusting and evaluating the values of a gadget for its accuracy and precision when compared to another of accurate and unvarying standard. Calibration checks, determines and corrects all instruments that use quantitative measurements so that the results are absolutely correct. Remember, Calibration is vital as it is similar to having an insurance policy for your equipments.

Calibration, as a method which cannot accept faulty, shortcut processes, as crucial businesses and people rely on the results of the measurements that undergo this process. Laboratories, medical/healthcare, engineering, measuring device manufacturers, research & development, markets, testing, aviation, manufacturing, processing plants are some businesses that undergo the process of calibration so that in case there are errors, they can be adjusted (through calibration constants) until the results are spot-on perfect. Equipments that have passed a calibration program will have an accurate recall list of its test, measurement and diagnostic equipment.

Calibration weight sets are popularly available in the following configurations:






1g-2 kg

1g-5 kg

1g-10 kg






1mg-2 kg

1mg-5 kg

1mg-10 kg

Individual Calibration weights are available in the following configurations:




















Points to remember while choosing a company that offers calibration services:

A company/ business with an excellent track record.

Go for a company/business with good customer reviews.

Look for referrals.

If possible, look for client reviews and accordingly choose the Calibration technician you think is best.

Always opt for ISO accredited calibration services. ISO/IEC 17025 is the required standard that businesses offering Calibration services have to pass. In simple words, ISO/IEC 17025 is the general requirement for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

Standards of calibration, of the company/business you are hiring should meet Level I Tractability requirements.

Now-a-days, the market is chock-a-block with instruments/machines/gadgets to calibrate medical/laboratorial instruments. Some of them are:>

Dry Block System

Liquid bath

Fixed points

ABB Instruments: This comes in a multitude of options fitting different purposes like Actuators/Positioners, Analytical instruments,

Flow measurement, Pressure measurement, Recorders/Indicators, Temperature measurement, Process Controllers, Level measurement etc.

Kaye instruments: Validation systems, Calibration equipment, Pressure instruments, Industrial Measurements, Sensors and Accessories.

Vaisala Instruments: Purpose of Vaisala is to measure humidity for calibration and adjustment services. There are many types of instruments to measure ammonia, dewpoint, carbon dioxide, barometric pressure etc.

This article is written by Fernando Hernandez of INSCO. For Calibration services, contact INSCO (http://www.insco.us/), a leading name for the last 35 years in process controls, instrumentation, electrical engineering, maintenance, installation and calibration services with over 200 customers. INSCO has three mass metrology laboratories in in (repetition) Miami (USA), Puerto Rico and Mexico (DF). INSCO is an ISO accredited calibration service.

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2012年9月14日 星期五

Sick Building Syndrome and Indoor Climate Control

The problem of high levels of CO2 in ambient air appears to be a modern one. Yet, this is not one of the new fads that crop up from time to time and then disappear again, never to be mentioned again. It is, indeed, a modern problem, caused by the improvements in building standards and especially window manufacture. These improvements, hailed as a triumph over the age-old problem of draughty buildings, have nevertheless created a new negative effect. Ventilation was never a matter for discussion in most cases, it happened naturally as the wind blew and the air in rooms was replaced on a regular basis. With the new, draught-proof buildings this no longer happened, particularly since central heating made it unnecessary to have an air flow for any reason. This has given birth to the concept of indoor climate control.

The result was stale air. Air that has been used and breathed and not replaced, seen as a rising concentration of carbon dioxide, not to mention humidity. These effects had a detrimental influence on the buildings, promoting the growth of mould and other unwanted plant life. This was not the only effect. Slowly, the level of days off for sickness rose and the quality of work sank in these newer or refurbished buildings, leading to something referred to as Sick Building Syndrome, since it appeared to affect everybody in one building. The causes were not known for a long time, but now it is recognised that this is a result of breathing stale air with a high concentration of carbon dioxide over an extended period. Studies have shown that a level of 1000 ppm carbon dioxide will reduce the ability to concentrate by about 30 %, a significant drop by any means.

The obvious solution to this problem of indoor climate control was ventilation, and ventilation or air-conditioning systems were installed in all of these buildings leading only to the next problem: the heating bills in winter rocketed and staff complained of stiff necks and other maladies. Sick Building Syndrome was still here, but in a different form. How to provide adequate ventilation without simply heating the environment in winter? The only viable solution is control of the ventilation to reduce the exchange of air to the minimum required to keep a healthy atmosphere in the rooms, which is where indoor climate control becomes an active instead of just a passive discipline.

The real problem is the carbon dioxide, which is best measured with a NDIR infrared sensor. These are available in one or two channel technology for CO2, but the single channel version is quite accurate and stable enough for this purpose today.

Older types of sensor used to drift, as do cheaply manufactured ones, but a good-quality single channel sensor today will remain stable over years, only requiring a reference point occasionally to set a relative zero point. Such infrared sensors for CO2 are now available from a number of manufacturers such as Madur Electronics in Austria. These come complete with an appropriate analogue output to allow the CO2 level to control the function of the ventilation system.

Industry standard for these control functions is the 0...10 V output, but there are other varieties in use. These can be readily accommodated in the construction or calibration of the system to ensure a high quality of indoor climate control. Perhaps we have finally seen the end to Sick Building Syndrome and can now enjoy the benefits of a controlled climate indoors, if not outdoors.

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Drying Water Damaged Buildings in the Hot Humid Summer

Drying a water damaged building in the humid weather is much different than drying a building in the dry weather. In many areas of the world there is a dry season and a wet season.

In the dry season it is often so dry that the use of dehumidification in a water damage is only necessary to remove excess moisture created by evaporation of moisture from wet building materials and contents of the home. The facility is typically dry in one to three days with minimal use of dehumidification.

When the season changes and we get hot, humid weather everything changes. In humid weather dehumidification is used not only to remove moisture created by evaporation but its used to create an atmosphere conducive to allow evaporation to come to pass. When the air is humid water does not readily evaporate.

How can you tell whether or not the air is conducive to allow evaporation? You can only do this by measuring the relative humidity and temperature of the affected air space and then make the necessary calculations to find the absolute humidity or humidity ratio of the air space. This absolute humidity is measured by the number of grains of water there is in every pound of air in the airspace.

If the air is not dry enough, it is highly unlikely that structural materials like concrete, wood and stone will dry. In any water damage situation the water damage technician should be closely monitoring the moisture content of all structural materials in the facility. Many disaster restoration companies use infrared cameras to help track areas that are affected by moisture.

It is extremely important to deal with disaster restoration companies that are concerned with drying your facility until their meters show that your structure is dry. If the company you are dealing with is not providing you with this information then you are exposing yourself to possibly horrific consequences. Sinister mould grows easily in water damaged buildings. Mould can grow very quickly in improperly remediated buildings.

General contractors and carpet cleaners are often the first people called in to remediate a water damage situation. These type of contractors may or may not be able to properly dry a building. Do your homework and ask your contractors questions to determine whether or not they have the training to be able to dry a building.

Ask them if they have the moisture meters (not sensors) to be able to track the process of drying. Ask them whether or not you get a copy of the records at the end of the job. Ask them whether or not there are hard to dry structural items in your structure. Ask them how they are going to dry them. Ask them what their drying goals are. Ask them whether or not they have water damage remediation training. Ask them when they received their certification. The water damage business has progressed significantly over the past five to ten years. There are dramatic changes in the Standards for water damage and someone without recent upgrades in their education may no longer understand the new findings of the drying industry.

James (Lee) Senter is an IICRC Approved Instructor on the subjects of Water Damage Remediation, Applied Structural Drying and Health and Safety. Mr. Senter teaches at The Center For Disaster Recovery and several industry distributors across Canada. Lee is a well known speaker and writer on the subjects of mould remediation and water damage restoration. Lee owns a company that performs large and small water damage remediations and can be found at http://www.dryit.ca.

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Stability Testing Chambers in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Stability testing chambers are enclosures used to assess the effects of pre-specified environmental circumstances on biological materials and industrial/electronic components. The most common use of these stability chambers (sometimes referred to as environmental chambers) is that of stand-alone specimen testing for decomposition and reduced efficiency under various temperature and humidity ranges.

Small Scale Stability Testing

Stability chambers were originally large and immobile but the demands of modern testing applications have led to smaller, more portable units. This is often called "Small Scale Stability Testing" and is commonly used in Food and Pharmaceutical product testing.

Using wireless technology provides convenient wireless test kits complete with calibrated sensor caps, logger caps and related logging software compliant software.

How Stability Testing Works

1. Humidity capsules are used to control the humidity within the test chamber

2. The humidity capsule is pierced and placed in the test chamber

3. The test material is placed in one of the other compartments within the test chamber

4. Sensor caps incorporate a temperature and humidity sensor on the inside of the cap

5. The sensor cap is also used to seal the test chamber

6. A logger cap which contains a memory chip and short range transceiver is connected to the sensor cap and is used to collect and transmit data wirelessly to the Control Software

7. Before connection the logger cap must first receive the test settings by docking the logger cap on the basestation which is connected to a computer or laptop.

8. The logger cap is then connected to the sensor cap to initiate the test. The unit is then incubated at the required temperature for the require time.

9. The temperature and humidity test conditions are then transferred wirelessly to the Control Software for presentation and reporting.

Each test monitored in its own micro-humidity chamber and humidity settings can be varied according to the testing requirement. Some Stability Testing are sold complete with customisable control software and built in offsite backups which comes in handy if when testing a large number of samples or when many locations need to share testing data quickly.

If possible try to source your stability testing chambers from a provider that also offers repair and calibration services. The integrity of the data is based on properly calibrated and fully functional units.

Amebis Ltd specialises in small scale stability testing chambers for the pharmaceutical industry. Manufactured in Ireland and available to Europe and the US. http://www.amebisltd.com.

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Tips On Preventing Black Mold

It is always better to be proactive than reactive. If you are looking for a house to buy, you must check out every nook and cranny to ensure that there is no mold anywhere. Getting a house that is infested by black mold or any other mold cleaned can become quite a costly affair, and home insurance companies generally reject any claims for mold cleaning. In your own house, you must do a periodic inspection to ensure that there is no mold. Air ducts, heating systems, roof tiles, window edges and cupboards through which there are pipes running are places which usually get infested by black mold. You cannot tell which type of mold is it unless you have it tested in a laboratory. It again becomes a costly affair; therefore, the best option is to clear out any mold that is in the house.

If you live in a humid area, that is where black mold thrives the most; you should monitor the humidity level in your home. The humidity level in your home should never exceed 55% RH. Anything above this will be an ideal breeding and thriving atmosphere for black mold and other fungi and dust mites. To check if you have a humidity problem in your home, you must invest in humidity sensors or a hygrometer. You should place the moisture meter at places that you suspect have a high humidity level. You can move the meter around and check the moisture levels in various areas of the area. In case the humidity level is high, you would need to get a dehumidifier installed. You can get multiple dehumidifiers installed in various rooms of your house.

You should check for water leakage/seepage and rusty pipes. Nowadays, most pipes in houses are concealed and it is difficult to check for rusty pipes and leakages. The only way to check for leakages is to listen if you can hear water running when the tap is turned off. If you hear water running or smell a musty odor, you can expect for fungi to thrive in these areas. If you have a leaking tap or toilet, or discolored damaged walls, these are the places where black mold can grow. The best way to ensure that your house stays free from any type of fungi growth is to keep the humidity level within prescribed limits and check your home regularly to ensure that there is no fungi or black mold spots in your house.

If you're interested in learning more about Black Mold, please feel free to visit our website at http://www.yourblackmoldguide.com

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2012年9月13日 星期四

Your Guide to Xtrack Vehicle Tracking From Genesis Communications

xTrack is a comprehensive range of tracking solutions including designed specifically to meet the varied requirements of your organization.

These solutions are incredibly versatile, with the option of combining various different systems, to ensure that you have total and complete control over your company's assets.

The xTrack range includes the following:

Vehicle Tracking and Monitoring

* xTrack Professional Vehicle

* xTrack CanBUS

* xTrack Cold Chain Monitoring

* xTrack Trailer

* xTrack Sensors

Mobile Workforce Tracking

* xTrack PDA

* xTrack Express

* xTrack Mobile Workflow

xTrack Professional Vehicle

If your business operates a fleet of vehicles, you could benefit from xTrack Professional vehicle tracking systems.

xTrack Professional vehicle tracking caters for the wide and varied needs of the modern fleet of commercial and freight vehicles. It comes in several forms and is for businesses who want to monitor the driving activities of their work force in order to increase efficiency and productivity.

xTrack Vehicle

Vehicle tracking can streamline your business operations by making your vehicles more efficient, safe and cost effective.

More and more organizations are experiencing the benefits of vehicle tracking from Genesis communications comprehensive range of vehicle tracking devices. Investing in our vehicle tracking systems will enable your business to:

* Take control of assets

* Monitor the performance of your drivers and vehicles

* Analise driving behaviors

* Eliminate excessive driving practices

* Ensure increased driver safety

* Reduced accident risk

* Save money on fuel, maintenance and communication costs

* Save time on paperwork

* Comply with taxation and duty of care legislation

Take control of your company's assets

No we're not just talking about your vehicles! The greatest asset of any company is its employees and vehicle tracking allows you to take control by monitoring both driver and vehicle performance effectively.

Monitor performance

Vehicle tracking devices enable you to analyse, in detail, the driving behaviour of your employees. This ensures that you can eliminate excessive driving practices which can cost you money in fuel and vehicle maintenance charges. This can also be a way of ensuring that your employees are driving safely.

Driver safety

It is estimated that traffic accidents have cost the nation £32 billion in lost productivity and ill health of workers. By having vehicle tracking, you can make sure your fleet is driven safely and hence reduce the potential for accidents.

In the event of an accident, vehicle tracking data ensures that you have evidence in the form of vehicle data should any discrepancies arise.

Save Money on Fuel

By knowing exactly where your vehicles are, you can ensure that only the most suitable people are sent to the job. This will cut out on un-necessary journeys, overtime and hence lower fuel costs.

Save Money on Maintenance

By monitoring driving practices, you can ensure that vehicle wear and tear, and hence maintenance charges are reduced. With vehicle tracking, you can also ensure that you meet manufacturers recommended service intervals by monitoring mileage from a central point, this can help to identify when each vehicle is due for service

Save Money on Communication

With no need for 'where are you?' calls, communication costs are reduced.

Save Time

Vehicle tracking makes worksheets and vehicle mileage logs a thing of the past. Our automated systems eliminate the need for paperwork to be filled in by hand, leaving drivers free to concentrate on core duties.

Comply with Government legislation

Vehicle tracking will help your business to be compliant with Government Duty of Care legislation


Changes implemented in April 2007 state that the private use of commercial vehicles is taxable. vehicle tracking allows you to eliminate un-necessary and un-authorized journeys ensuring that you are not accountable for taxation.

Duty of Care

Employers have an obligation of Duty of Care under the following:

* The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act (2007)

* The Road Traffic Acts (1998/1991)

* The Road Vehicle (Construction and Use) Act 1986

This legislation states that it is the employer's responsibility to ensure that vehicles are safe for your drivers. By having vehicle tracking, you can ensure that your company is in compliance with these guidelines.

xTrack CANbus Vehicle Monitoring

xTrack CANbus makes vehicle and fuel monitoring easy. CANbus (Controller Area Network communications bus) is a concept which was initially developed by Bosch for the car industry.

This advanced product has been designed specifically for driver monitoring, in order for organizations to track actual fuel consumption of vehicles alongside independent driving styles including braking/acceleration.

One of the key features of CANbus is that it can be combined with other xTrack products to create a complete vehicle tracking and monitoring solution.

Together with xTrack Mobile Workflow, you can create automatic job allocation, job status, service level performance monitoring and vehicle and driver league tables.

When implemented with xTrack Cold Chain, you can monitor the temperature in a refrigerated trailer using radio frequency (RF) technology.

xTrack Cold Chain Monitoring

xTrack Cold Chain management is designed primarily to monitor precise temperatures of refrigerated cargo. Using the latest wireless technology, cold chain monitoring allows businesses to constantly check the temperature of their cargo and react accordingly if temperature exceeds a required level.

In the past, whole loads could be ruined if the carrier was unaware of a change in temperature. Now, thanks to xTrack Cold Chain management, customers can monitor their cargo through a web-based interface which can be accessed online.

Under EU regulation EN 12830:1999, cold chain monitoring of the exact temperature of refrigerated goods is required throughout the delivery process. xTrack Cold Chain management has been developed specifically for this purpose.

Cold chain monitoring sensors in the refrigerated trailer send precise temperature information to the xTrack Vehicle black box in the tractor unit every 5 minutes.

This device then sends back temperature data as well as the vehicles precise location to web based servers which customers can access through the web interface.

Drivers can then be notified if temperatures move beyond certain thresholds so immediate action can be taken, avoiding the potential spoilage of an entire load.

The web based interface enables customers to monitor and report on the information and can be accessed from the customer portal on the Genesis website.

xTrack Trailer

xTrack Trailer tracking allows trailers to be tracked in real time using a web based mapping system so that companies can independently track their trailers when they become detached from their vehicles

xTrack Sensors

In addition to our CANbus range, Genesis can provide sensors to detect many other types of activity. These including humidity sensors, heat sensors as well as pressure and gas composition sensors. xTrack sensors can have a number of applications including

* Driver recognition (Dallas Key)

* Bonnet and door

* Street cleansing sweeper

* Waste collection compactor and lift

* Tipper

* Gritting

* Grass cutting

* Wireless sensors to measure humidity, pressure and gas composition

These will enable your business to manage fleet efficiency and meet customer Service Level Agreements (SLA's)

Mobile Workforce Tracking

xTrack Mobile Workforce solutions are the best way to monitor your mobile workers. New Government Duty of Care guidelines state that as an employer, you are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of your employees at all times. Our mobile worker solutions will ensure that you conform to this lone worker safety legislation.

xTrack PDA

xTrack PDA tracking software is the perfect solution businesses who need to know where their remote workers are. With our PDA tracking, you can monitor work levels and also meet with the Governments Duty of Care guidelines for lone workers by ensuring that you know exactly where your staff are, at all times.

This proven technology has been used by organizations such as Royal Mail, Christian Salvesen and various City Councils. It is easy to use and install with no need for expensive IT equipment.

xTrack Express BlackBerry Tracking

xTrack Express Blackberry tracking, incorporates all of the above benefits of xTrack PDA, on your company's BlackBerry devices.

xTrack Mobile Workflow

Carrying large amounts of paperwork around is a thing of the past with xTrack Mobile Workflow. Now instead of having to spend time filling forms in by hand, the process is automated leaving your mobile workforce more time to concentrate on important business tasks. This also helps you to conform to new Government guidelines on lone worker security.

With xTrack mobile worker workflow, the following forms can be incorporated onto a PDA device:

* Invoices

* Delivery notes

* Start of and end of day health and safety lists

* Manual route sheets

* Collection notes

* Cash receipt notes

* Manual time and attendance sheets

* Job cards

* Statutory health and safety documentation

The benefits of Mobile Workflow:

* Better lone worker security

* Detailed analysis

* Increase efficiency

* Reduce costs

For more info contact us at http://www.genesis.co.uk or call 0845 184 8022

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Data Loggers, The Information Age Driver

One significant advantage of the information age is of course the easy access of information itself. You can have access to any kind of information imaginable and at record speed too. Today all sorts of devices have been invented to facilitate this, and these are known as a data logger.

It is simply an electronic device that can store and retrieve information. It has inbuilt sensors that can work with external devices to record information. It is often small sized and with an inbuilt micro processor and powered with a battery. They can be stand alone with their own keyboard and screen or connected to a computer.

It can be used to measure and store all sorts of data. There are sensors for the measurement of body temperature, weather conditions, wind speed, vehicle speed, humidity sensors etc. It has found great application in virtually everything that concerns us today.

It has a multifunctional ability and has the capacity to read electrical signals, which are converted to data in minimal time. It captures information with its capturing element known as plug-in-board. It can also acquire data through a serial communication interface.

It has great industrial applications. Fleet operators for trucks or cabs benefit greatly from data sensors by connecting them to the vehicle engine which enables them to remotely access a lot of information about the vehicle. They can easily monitor the speed of the vehicle, the condition of the vehicle, fuel economy in real time as the car is being driven.

There are several monitoring devices. These are for monitoring weather conditions which weather researchers are using daily. Some of these monitors are used for specific weather data, such as temperature, soil moisture content, wind rainfall or humidity sensors and test equipments.

It has also found application in the oil industry to measure tank levels, gas pressure and management of energy consumptions. It is used for calibration services and as an application for troubleshooting purposes. It is also used in refrigerators to gauge the temperature, a critical information for restaurants, which is needed to maintain the food in its best condition.

There are different models of monitoring devices, and they come in diverse shapes, both small and large. Furthermore, the price ranges differ often with features. However, your choice when you want to buy it will largely depend on your budget. The cheapest are sometimes the single channel loggers, but if you have a huge budget you can opt for the multitude loggers.

Sensors are a great asset in our world today, and it has found application in all facets of our daily life with a lot of critical information needed for the proper running of our devices depending on it. Now we have seen how important they are, and also we have seen the different applications. And again when we are torn between choices, not knowing what type of monitoring device to buy, we can always look at the features of the device and as well look at our budget before finally making a choice.

Welcome to Canada's source for data logger. With 30 years of experience providing technical solutions, we are the sensors leaders.

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Multi-Car Pile-ups, How Do They Happen?

Well multi-car pile-ups happen usually due to weather, after all no one would intentionally run into another car. Well usually not, although road rage still exists. Now if you drive a smaller car and are hit by anything other than a bicycle you are sure to be injured in a multi-car pile-up.

The most common cause of pile-ups is fog banks at night or during the day. One notorious place for pile-ups is the San Joaquin Valley, Central Valley CA, where the Tule (TWO-LEE) Fog is.


Fog would settle and buses could not get to school there would be school delays and multi-car pile-ups on I-5. Happens every year and the fog it hovers about 6-8 feet off the ground if you are in a truck sometimes you can see over it. Usually not. Here is a description by Virtualtourist.com ; Description: A Central Valley particular, this condition is fairly common from December through February, when the ground is it's coldest. It is a time of the year when the rain is at it's heaviest, and after the rain is gone, and there is all this excess humidity and moisture, combined with the cold, forms this ground fog that is so thick, it's hard to make out what's in front of you. It is responsible for freeway pile-ups on highway 5, highway 99, and parts of highway 50 and 80. It is often heaviest from evening to morning, and is especially thick just south of Sacramento, in between Sac and Stockton.

Avoid tail-gating on the freeway, and do not drive with your high beams on. If you can, avoid the roads during these conditions, but if you must drive, drive slowly, with caution, you may want to roll down the window a bit, and turn off your radio, so you have better hearing conditions. Fortunately it has a tendency to burn off by noon, and is not a nightly feature in the winter. Also, if flying into Sacramento, you may want to avoid early and late flights in the winter season, because of this weather condition.

One pile up which may have been the worst in US History was 300 cars, yep 300. Here is some good advice we have seen on driving in the fog;


Certain areas and geographical regions tend to be fog areas, recently in Western Maryland there was a huge pile up, in the Central Valley CA there are certain land features and temperatures, which cause this. VA, DC, CA are all bad fog areas. There are so many areas and we know where they are. There is work being done to prevent these accidents and fog technology is being tested by BMW, Mercedes, Volvo, GM and Ford. Here are some ideas which came from the Tule Fog in CA;


Realize that cars do not drive by themselves but in the future smart technology and smart Freeways may provide the answer as in the latest science fiction movies. How practical and costly are these systems to the price of a car? Quite a bit, but a radar based system may provide more safety for auto drivers. We are bullish on this technology and we realize as we see more and more innovations come into the modern automobile.

Today the Fog of Road is serious, tomorrow we will have won the battle. Technology, smart sensors and the net-centric car of the future will keep you and your family safe from harm.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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Monitoring Temperature And Humidity Inside The Server Rack

The increased utilization of blade servers has caused the control of heat and humidity in the server racks to become much more critical than previously. These units increase the density of the equipment in each rack and therefore the heat generated. Alarms are necessary at the rack level because a single server overheating will not raise the ambient room temperature enough to set off the room alarm sensors. These rack alarms can provide early problem warning and prevent server damage and the associated network problems in a timely fashion.

These alarms can be at the rack, or by email, or by SNMP traps, or by all three methods depending on the system. There are several different types of sensor systems from several different manufacturers, available at present. One of them is a compact environmental monitor with one onboard temperature sensor and in addition the ability to support up to 16 remote sensors. The system is very small so you don't have to change your system. If you receive a problem alert, you are able to identify the rack and power strip having the trouble, and turn off the individual outlet or reboot it.

Another power management and control system available is able to track temperature, humidity, airflow, and water at various locations from 15 to 100 feet away. This system needs only limited rack space and can control individual power receptacles. Another system on the market utilizes two sensor probes in each rack, one in front, one in back, to better measure the environment in the rack. This gives you a thermographic view of the temperature range in the rack and can be displayed in color for all the different racks in the computer center. This information can be used to determine the size and location of any additional A.C. or fans or blowers needed to correct a cooling system. It can also assist in the rearrangement, if necessary, of the rack layout and separation of a cold aisle/hot aisle system or any rack system, or when additional racks are added to a functioning system.

The control of heat generation and temperature in the data center continues to be one of the most critical areas. The monitoring of the environment has gone from the room, to the zone, to inside the individual server rack to give a much more precise picture of what is happening and allow better response to emergency conditions.

Server Racks and Cable Inc. http://www.serverracksandcable.com provides server rack solutions to Fortune 500 companies, governments, and military agencies.

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2012年9月12日 星期三

Why You Might Need to Monitor the Temperature of Your Vacation Home

The typical vacation home has a difficult life? neglected and ignored for much of the year (or several years) with short, unpredictable bursts of demands it isn't prepared for. Yet surprisingly homeowners are surprised when they come across leaking ceilings, mold, overgrown shrubs, leaking pipes, dry rot, termite infestations or even the occasional charred remains of what used to be their second home.

Sure, it's not easy preventing or even detecting any of the above. With a remote temperature monitoring system that keeps you informed of any temperature changes however, there are many things that you can prevent or at least detect. These systems can regularly transmit ambient temperatures over the internet, and can also alert you by email, phone or text message if temperatures go above or fall below particular points. A remote temperature sensor is most useful for vacations homes in very hot and very cold climates, though they can still find uses for conditions in between.

In hot areas, especially those that are dry and surrounded by trees or vegetation that are susceptible to forest fires, a remote temperature sensor might not be able to save your vacation home from being incinerated to carbon compounds, but it should at the very least be able to send you an alert before its own inevitable demise. Even better, you might just be able to save the property if you have installed remote-enabled water sprinklers and the fire is a small localized one. If the property is not too remote and you manage to notice abnormally increasing temperatures early on, you might even be able to quickly go and retrieve some valuables and/or alert fire authorities.

If you have ever lived in extremely cold climates, you will know that frozen, bursting water pipes can be a big problem. If your vacation home is located in an area that occasionally or constantly goes far below freezing temperatures, remotely monitoring ambient temperatures is a must to detect temperature conditions that might cause frozen (and most probably bursting) water pipes. If the temperature falls below a certain threshold you can visit the property to slightly turn on the tap to ensure a constant flow of water.

Even for vacation homes that are in temperate climates, a remote temperature monitor can be used to ensure that proper operation of refrigerators or freezers that might be used to store food long-term. And of course, fires most definitely also occur in temperate climates. In addition, many temperature sensors also measure humidity, which is useful for checking on the health of wooden properties.

A remote temperature monitoring system is an essential maintenance tool for your second home (whether its in a hot, cold or temperate climate) that could potentially save you anywhere from thousands of dollars to the cost of the entire property and its contents by alerting you to potential or impending disasters like fires, leaking pipes and broken refrigeration systems. Protecting your investment with such a simple and relatively low-cost tool is an overwhelmingly common-sense thing to do.

Read the latest remote temperature sensor reviews.

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